Mary's Song (Oh My My My)

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Words: 4700
A/N: this is quite a long one...I hope you enjoy. There's smut in this one and a slight mention of mpreg as well as a panic attack so if that makes you uncomfortable or will trigger please skip ! Enjoy Xx

She said, I was seven and you were nine. I looked at you like the stars that shine. In the sky, the pretty lights.

Harry met Louis when he was 7. Louis was 9. They became inseparable 30 minutes after they met. There was an obvious infatuation from each boy towards the other. Harry had a habit of just looking at Louis with this look on his face as if Louis hung the moon and painted the stars just for him and no one else. It was adorable, really. They did everything together. They saw each other everyday and would be miserable if they didn't.

Anne recalls the time Louis had gone on a vacation one summer with his family and Harry sulked for the entire week. Barely leaving his room, curled up on his bed in one of his best friend's shirts. And when Louis came back? As soon as Harry saw their car pull into their driveway he was running out of the house and across the street and flinging himself into his best mate's arms, clinging on to him for dear life. Louis? Well he buried his face in Harry's curls, throwing his arms oh so tight around Harry's body as he swayed them from side to side.

And our daddies used to joke about the two of us. Growing up and falling in love and our mamas smiled. And rolled their eyes and said oh my my my.

When both their dads were still around, they always used to make jokes, saying Harry and Louis were gonna fall in love. Never bring a girl home. And their mum's always shushed them and shared a knowing smile. Because yeah, they're mums, and yeah, they can see the love shared between the two boys even if they don't see it yet. They know their boy's are soulmates, such a rare occurrence, and it was beautiful. And they knew one day the boys would see it too.

Take me back to the house in the backyard tree. Said you'd beat me up, you were bigger than me. You never did, you never did.

They always hung out in the treehouse that was in Harry's backyard. It became a safe space for both of the boys, but especially Harry when his parents were fighting. The fighting had started just after Harry turned 7, but now he was 12, and it was even worse.

I could hear them screaming downstairs, even with my door closed. I don't even know what they're fighting about anymore. I sigh and walk towards my window, sliding it open and slipping out. I climb down the tree outside my window and walk towards my--our--treehouse. I climb up the ladder and curl into a ball on one of the beanbags. I didn't even realize I was crying until I was sobbing.

All of a sudden I couldn't breath and it felt like my heart was pounding out of my chest.

Shit.  I thought. I'm having a panic attack and Louis isn't here.

Louis has always been the only one to help me through a panic attack. My father never bothered and my mum never understood how to handle it. Louis on the other hand, he just knew.

By now my breathing had become even more irregular and my vision was starting to get fuzzy. I reached for the iPhone my parents got me when I turned 12 and tried to get it to turn on. After failing to get the password in, I held the button to access siri and basically begged my phone to call Louis. As soon as it started ringing I felt my breath shorten and my heart rate spike as I started to lose consciousness. I sobbed out a "lou.." when I heard his groggy voice and the last thing I remember him saying was "hold on for me angel, hold on. I'm coming."

After I hung up the call, I clambered out of my window, down the tree and ran to the treehouse. I knew that's where Harry would be and my suspicions were confirmed when I could hear screaming coming from his house. I clambered up the ladder to see an almost unconscious Harry lying on my blue bean bag. "Haz?" I dropped to my knees in front of him. "Harry? Come on baby come on. Open those pretty eyes for me, angel. Show me your pretty green eyes babe." I have no idea where all these pet names are coming from, I think to myself.

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