Soooo I've decided that I'm going to continue this story because I re read it and I really miss writing, and I wanna try to finish this. So enjoy! <3
Josh and Tyler walked hand in hand down the stairs and Tyler admired Josh's house, it was nice. The atmosphere was very calm, it smelled good, and he liked all of the decorations they had up.
"Hey, Jos-" his mom said seeing him and then saw he was holding hands with some boy she didn't recognize, furrowing her eyebrows and then giving him a look she asked, "Who's this?"
"This is Tyler, he's my friend," Josh said looking over at Tyler who for some reason grew a huge smile and cheeks turned a bit red.
Friend.. friend.. FRIEND!
Tyler felt like jumping with joy. Josh thought they were friends? He had never had a real friend before. Maybe in elementary school but other than that.. never.
"Oh, hello there Tyler. I'm Laura, Josh's mom. It's nice to meet you," she said. "Would you like to stay for dinner?"
"Oh, thank you Mrs. Dun but I don't want to be a bother or anything, I'm sure you just want to eat dinner with your family."
Laura shook her head. "Nonsense Tyler, in this house you are family. You should see the amount of times that Patrick kid is over, way too much."
Josh smiled and looked at Tyler. "Stay, please?" he asked him and Tyler's heart melted. He still couldn't believe that this was real. This was the most social interaction Tyler had ever gotten in his life he felt like.
"Okay, I'll stay. Thank you guys," he said smiling so wide at them he was biting his lip.
"Awesome. I'm gonna go start on dinner, what were you two about to do?" Laura asked as she eyed them up a bit.
"I was just gonna show him the basement. Is that okay?" he asked, making her gasp in excitement.
"Yes, it is! I actually just remodeled down there all by myself cause none OF YOU GUYS WOULD HELP ME!" she yelled so the whole house could hear.
"Oh for the love of God not again!" they heard Jordan yell from his room which made Tyler giggle.
"Whatever, we're going downstairs," Josh said as the two of them walked down there and Josh closed the door behind them
They had been holding hands that entire time.
"Woahh, you have your own studio down here!" Tyler said in awe as he scanned the basement, seeing a drum set as well as a small keyboard.
Josh giggled at that. "Kind of, I mean I don't have a lot but it's still cool. I love playing the drums but my family gets mad at me when I do. They always bitch about how it's 'annoying,'" he said with air quotes.
"You should play me something right now," Tyler suggested. "Or show me some videos if you have any."
"I actually do have some pretty sick videos," he said. "I can send them to you."
Josh pulled out his phone and as he did he saw his group chat was blowing up about something. "Oh wow.." he said.
Tyler was shocked by it too. "Woah, is this a normal thing that happens?" he asked.
"Mostly. They always talk about the dumbest things," he said shaking his head and texting them something.
Josh sent Tyler the videos of him drumming and before Tyler had the chance to click on one Mrs. Dun was calling them upstairs for dinner.
"After you," Josh said letting Tyler walk up the stairs in front of him. Josh was just being polite.. no other reason why he wanted to be behind him.
Tyler looked at the family surrounding the table and saw the smiles on everyone's faces. Tyler took a seat and Josh went and sat beside him. Bill, Josh's dad sat on the other side of Josh and then Jordan was on the other side of Tyler. On the other side of the table it was all three of the girls.
"You're Tyler Joseph. I know your sister Maddy, we're good friends," Ashley said as she looked at Tyler.
"Oh, that's c-cool. I didn't know that. It's nice to meet you," he offered her a soft smile, and she gave him one back.
Josh smiled that she wasn't being a bitch to him. I guess that pep talk he gave her worked.
Tyler was nervous, and a bit socially awkward. He didn't know what to do or say since he has never really eaten dinner with a family that wasn't his, but he didn't want to mess up or make a bad impression, he just wanted to be liked.
"Tyler, is it? I've never seen you around here before. You one of Josh's new friends?" Bill asked as he handed Tyler a plate of steak with mashed potatoes and green beans on it.
Tyler's mouth watered as he sat the plate down in front of him. The food looked and smelled so good and he was excited to try it. He was really hungry after all.
Before Tyler had a chance to even answer Josh jumped in. "Yes, me and Tyler are math partners and that's kind of how we started talking," he said as he started to take a bite of his food.
The family ate and engaged in small talk as Tyler started eating. It was really good and he felt more content and included at this table than he ever had at his own dinner table at home.
When everyone was finished eating Laura and Bill started cleaning up after everyone and Josh's siblings just went back up to their rooms.
Tyler turned to Josh and he really wasn't sure what he was supposed to do next. Josh looked at the clock and saw it was 6:24PM, he looked at Tyler with a small smile.
"What time do you have to be home?" He asked him.
Tyler got a sinking feeling in his stomach when he realized he didn't even tell his mom that he was going to a friend's house after school. He had never been invited to one's house before.
"Umm.. I'm not too sure. Probably not for a bit longer though. Why?" he asked him.
"Would you wanna go for a walk? It's really nice outside. We could get some fresh air and learn a bit more about each other, and y'know.. talk about something other than math," he said.
Tyler looked at him with a hopeful look in his eyes and a small smile on his face making Josh's heart melt. This boy was so cute in his opinion and he felt himself developing a small crush on him.
"Sure, I'd like that."
Sorry to cut this so short but I've been working on this chapter for a while and I'm sorry if it's kind of all over the place but here it is.
I hope everyone is having a good 2022 so far!

cover me // joshler
Fanfictiontyler was the lonely kid who really didn't see a point in living. he had no friends, no one wanted to talk to him because he wasn't exactly the most approachable. josh was a sweetheart, he talked to anyone and made sure that they were feeling comfo...