As the day went on, Tyler couldn't stop thinking about Josh.
Not only was the boy not a total dick to him, he offered to help him with his work, let him copy his answers, AND was going to tutor him after school?
It then suddenly hit him.
Josh was only doing this to get paid, wasn't he?
Tyler scoffed to himself, why would he think even for just a fraction of a second maybe someone was going to do something for him, even if he didn't give them something back in return?
He didn't have any money though, maybe he could pay Josh in some other way?
Tyler groaned, what was he going to do?
Maybe his mom would give him some money if she knew he was getting tutored, after all he did need a tutor, then he could actually get educated and be able to stare at a hot guy.
This is good. This could be good for Tyler.
As history class dragged on he couldn't stop imagining how the library was going to go. Tyler was so lost in his math that Josh would probably have to teach him shit they learned in 8th grade.
Would Josh mind that though? He seemed very patient with Tyler, but maybe that was just when he thought Tyler didn't know the basics, things they just learned last week, not years and years of material he didn't understand.
Would Josh wonder why Tyler was so clueless? Because to anyone it just seems like Tyler's just lazy, he doesn't care, he doesn't try, all he has on his mind is the newest video game that just came out, he was too busy with more important things, but to Tyler, that couldn't be further from the truth.
There's nothing better for him to be doing, nothing for him to look forward to besides laying in bed listening to music, maybe watch some youtube video or something, but other then that, really nothing.
Concentration and staying focused has always been a struggle for Tyler, and sure everyone maybe zones out once in a while in class, but for Tyler, it was everyday. No matter how hard he told himself 'pay attention' and really tried to, his mind drifted off to something else.
Tyler sighed, something was wrong with him, so many things were wrong with him, but his shitty parents couldn't be bothered to take him to the doctors.
"Tyler!" snapped him out of his thoughts. He looked up and saw the history teacher looking at him, and all of the kids attention was on him. "I asked you a question," he said, giving Tyler that 'i'm waiting' look.
"I..uh.." he started, not knowing what to do, he didn't have a single clue on what was going on in the class, so any guess he had would probably be 100 years off what they were learning.
The classroom was silent, and all attention was on him, he didn't like it at all. Everyone else probably knew what was going on. But Tyler didn't. You know why?
Because he was stupid.
"1777," a girl answered, pretty much saving Tyler. He turned around and saw it was a girl with cinnamon red hair. She maybe didn't know, but he was thanking the hell out of her right now.
"Thank you Deborah, but I believe your name isn't Tyler," he said giving her a glare. "Tyler, the question was what year did the U.S. declare independence, just to see if you were paying attention, which you clearly weren't," now he felt dumb. Quite possibly the easiest question.
The girl, now known as Deborah just shrugged and went back to talking to a girl with blonde hair who sat next to her. They always had conversations that Tyler couldn't care less about, there were a lot of cliques at the school.
However, Deborah and that blonde girl were apart of Josh's clique, he had a lot of friends, however he was in one specific friend group that he always ate lunch with and posted many pictures on social media with.
What? Yeah Tyler maybe stalked it, but hey, Josh's Instagram was public.
Tyler looked over and smiled at the two girls, almost as a way to say thank you to Deborah for what she did. She gave a small smile back before bursting into giggles at what the girl next to her said.
When the bell rang, Tyler walked out, his head looking at the floor as he went to his locker. He grabbed his lunch and closed his locker, walking to the lunch room.
He had a lot going through his mind.
Tyler never really had "crushes", because he didn't see a point, there's no way anybody he liked would like him back anyway.
Tyler had seen Josh around school a lot and he followed him on instagram, and he thought he was quite possibly the hottest boy he'd ever seen in his life.
But so many people knew Josh and probably had a crush on him, so why would he choose Tyler out of so many other people better than him?
Tyler walked down to the lunchroom and set his lunchbox down and started drinking his redbull. He saw Josh and all of his friends sit down at their table.
Tyler's eyes kept drifting over to Josh he was trying to make it subtle but he was obviously really bad at that.
He ended up catching the attention of Brendon Urie, which was definitely the worst possible thing that could happen. He just looked away and forced himself to look down at the food he was eating, he couldn't have Josh know he was staring at him.
Although, who's to say he was staring at Josh? He could've easily been staring at one of the girls that was sitting at their table.
Eh, who was he kidding, he's a flaming homo.
Once the bell rang, Tyler anxiously made his way to his locker. He grabbed his backpack and closed his locker and zipped his backpack up.
He turned around, and he looked around for Josh in the halls, oh no.. did he forget? Did he just totally forget Tyler's existence even though just meeting him a few hours ago?
Of course he did, because Tyler's just worthless and doesn't deserve any help. How could he have been so stupid as to think-
"Hey Tyler, you ready?" he heard a voice behind him. Oh, his voice, he sounded like melting marshmallows and he absolutely loved it.
Tyler turned around and nodded smiling. "Y-yeah. B-but I-I h-have t-to t-tell y-you s-s-something, you'll p-probably g-get m-m-mad," he stuttered out.
Josh looked at him, indicating he was listening.
"I-I d-don't h-have a-any m-money o-on m-me right n-now," he said and sighed. "I can bring y-you s-some t-t-t-tomorrow," he said shaking a bit, that's it, game over, Josh would never want to tutor him now.
Josh's heart broke when he heard that. Tyler seemed so anxious and nervous, not just right now but all of the time.
Josh didn't know much about Tyler, or his background or anything, he only saw him during lunch and math class, he never really heard him speak or anything, but maybe he just liked being quiet.
When Josh offered to tutor him, he never intended to get paid. He just saw someone struggling and he wanted to help them. Why did he need to get something out of it.
"Tyler, hey buddy," he said. "You don't have to pay me, I wanted to do this to help you, don't worry about it. It was never my intention."
Tyler looked over and he smiled softly. "Really? wow.. you're like.. the nicest person I've ever met in my life," he said his voice breaking a bit, Josh also noticed, no stutter.
As the two walked out to the parking lot, Josh turned to Tyler. "Did you drive here?" he asked him.
Tyler nodded.
"Okay, so did I. So I'll meet you there?" Josh asked.
Tyler nodded and smiled, walking over to his car.
He sighed, Josh was going to hate him.

cover me // joshler
Fanfictiontyler was the lonely kid who really didn't see a point in living. he had no friends, no one wanted to talk to him because he wasn't exactly the most approachable. josh was a sweetheart, he talked to anyone and made sure that they were feeling comfo...