Tyler jolted awake after hearing his mom screaming. "How do you sleep with your music that loud? Don't make me ground you from your phone at night," she said. "Your alarm has been going off for 20 minutes, you're going to be late."
"S-sorry m-mom," he stuttered out. She left his room and he got out of bed, putting on his usual all-black attire. Black skinny jeans, and a black hoodie. He put on black socks and black vans and walked out of his room. He walked into the bathroom where Madison was doing her makeup. He put toothpaste on his brush and started to brush his teeth.
Madison looked at him up and down. "Some color once in a while would be nice. Girls don't like goth boys," she said. Tyler tried ignoring her, but she kept pressing on. "You don't talk much do you? Fix yourself up and maybe you could get people to actually like you."
'ignore her..'
"Why can't you just be more like Zack or Jay? The 3 of us get along so well, but you just kinda do your own thing. Socialize for once hun." She told him while applying her mascara. Tyler finished brushing his teeth and put his toothbrush away.
He looked at Madison and was about to say something, but decided not to. He just walked out of the bathroom. Her words kept playing through his head. She really didn't understand did she?
He walked down the stairs and to his kitchen. He saw his mom and two brothers sitting at the table. They were eating and talking, his mom smiling and talking with them. He wished he could be apart of it. He tried not to be noticed and he opened the fridge, taking a redbull.
"Tyler, you really should eat something. When's the last time you ate?" He heard his mom's voice and he groaned, not being noticed didn't work out.
Tyler was very skinny, he didn't eat much because he never felt comfortable, he never had much of an apatite.
"You should be big and muscular like your brothers, they both have girlfriends, when are you going to bring one home?" She asked him. "Nobody ever talks to Tyler, who would want to? He's so quiet and depressed all of the time. It's weird to have him known as my brother," Jay said.
"O-oh, I-I'm sorry that I'm n-not perfect and t-that Z-Zack and J-Jay are so much better! Cause I'm j-just a f-fuck up! R-right m-mom?" Tyler snapped.
All color drained from her face, she realized Tyler must've heard what she said. "Tyler.." she started.
Tyler just grabbed his stuff angrily and his car keys. He was 16, so he could drive. He walked out of the house without a word and into his car.
He couldn't believe he had done that. He usually never fought back like that, it felt good. But now he had to go to school which totally killed his mood.
He was getting missed calls and texts from his mom, trying to apologize and explain what she meant, but he ignored them. One text really made him upset though.
"Maybe next time you won't be spying on your father and I's conversation!"
Maybe if you want it to be private don't be screaming at the top of your lungs!
Tyler groaned and decided not to worry about it so much, but how could he not? If you had no friends your family should be the people that care about you most, right? That wasn't Tyler's case! Nobody loved him! Nobody would care if right now he just swerved the steering wheel and died would they!
Tyler started to get angry. He started crying his eyes out, sobbing.
'why am I not good enough?"
"why does nobody like me?"
"why can't I do anything right?"
Tyler smacked his head and put on the radio, calming himself down with the song, he sang along to it and focused on it. Music was the only thing he could really ever enjoy.
Maybe that could be his escape.
He pulled up in the school parking lot and parked his car taking deep breaths.
"this whole life thing can go fuck itself.." he muttered to himself and got out of his car, walking into school. He looked down to try to ignore all the dirty looks he got from people. He went to his locker and got his stuff out for his first period class, which was science.
Walking into science with his head down, he heard talking of other students, and just wanted to drown it out. It was working out pretty well and he blocked it out, distracting himself from the sounds.
But he wasn't looking where he was going.
He ran into someone, falling on the floor and dropping all of his things. His breathing picked up, he was going to get beat up, another person who was going to hate him. He kept his head down, oh no, he was screwed.
"Hey! Watch where you're going you little punk!" The boy's voice yelled at him. He kicked Tyler's stuff around. Tyler whimpered in fear, still looking down at the ground.
"Look at me. Look at me you little bitch!" The voice yelled at him.
Tyler kept his head down. Go away, please just go away..
Tyler looked up, and saw everyone was watching. Why wasn't anyone doing anything? What had he ever done to them?
With that built up anger he shoved the boy off, getting his stuff and walking away. "Hey, I'm not done with you!" the voice called after Tyler. He just kept his back turned and walked into his science class and sat down at his seat.
"Tyler, you're late." The teacher said to him.
"S-sorry M-Ma'am," He said and then went and sat down at his seat.

cover me // joshler
Fanfictiontyler was the lonely kid who really didn't see a point in living. he had no friends, no one wanted to talk to him because he wasn't exactly the most approachable. josh was a sweetheart, he talked to anyone and made sure that they were feeling comfo...