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2 Months Earlier
The room was uncomfortably silent. But was it really silent tho? The silence spoke thousands of words as Tamar and her Ex-Husband Vince stared each other down "Aren't we going to Talk about this" he asked "There's nothing to talk about" Tamar responded "wtf do you mean there's nothing to talk about Tay your pregnant" Tamar burst out into tears "Vince I'm not ready to be a single mother".

"No matter were we stand, I have a responsibility on the way Tay, and I'm going to take care of my responsibility". That was what I needed to hear in that moment I needed him to assure me that he would be here for our child regardless of the fact. "I appreciate that Vince" I said with a smile

"You'll always be my best friend you know regardless of the sexual and marital relationship being friends is were we started, you make being friends easy although I wish we were still together, I hurt you abused you emotionally and verbally and for that I will never be able to forgive myself "

2weeks after this incident
It's a beautiful day out and I got up intending to do my normal routine when I got a unexpected text message from Vince and what I saw was definitely something I not only was shocked by but hurt by but not just hurt but I was confused and conflicted

Tamar and Vince text conversation

Tamar and Vince text conversation

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End of conversation -In that moment I broke down I'm not prepared to be doing this on my own "I'll always be here for my child" he says "I'm going to take care of my responsibility" he says and all of that was a lie I thought to myself as I broke ...

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End of conversation
In that moment I broke down I'm not prepared to be doing this on my own "I'll always be here for my child" he says "I'm going to take care of my responsibility" he says and all of that was a lie I thought to myself as I broke down completely. He just left me to raise a child on my own. Now I'm single about to be a parent and have no idea what the hell I'm doing. Not even 2 minutes later I get a call from my sister. Just what I needed.

I pick up my phone and answer it T- HelloTR- I'm on my wayT- whyTR- cus I can hear in your voice something is wrong T-okayI didn't try to rebel against it because 1 I really needed my sister and 2 because I would be getting absolutely nowhere

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I pick up my phone and answer it
T- Hello
TR- I'm on my way
T- why
TR- cus I can hear in your voice something is wrong
I didn't try to rebel against it because 1 I really needed my sister and 2 because I would be getting absolutely nowhere.
Two hours later

Towanda: oh this is bad

Toni: Estine what the hell!?!?

Traci: Holy shit Tamar

I ignored them all and passed the phone to them and continued to drink and cry at the same
All: Your Pregnant?!?!?!
Tamar: yup
I said blankly. Toni walked over to me and snatched the henny bottle I was downing
Toni:WHAT THE FUCK TAMAR YOUR DRINKING WHILE YOUR PREGNANT?!?!" She yelled "Toni give me back my drink" I said slurring my words

"Like hell I will Tamar your pregnant" she responded "It doesn't matter because I'm getting a abortion" I said " The fuck if you will" Trina Interjected "I wish you would"Traci said "Tamar have you lost your damn mind" Towanda said "Lemme call mommy so she can slap the piss out of you" Traci said

"Tamar I will punch you in your fucking face how dumb can you be a baby is a blessing regardless of the fact Ik your hurting but that baby will be the best thing to ever happen to you, now tell us what's on your mind cus you must have a lot on it because it's clogging your brain cells based of the dumb shit you just said" Toni said.

"It's just I'm not ready to be a single mother he just left me to raise a child by myself I have no man I've been too busy being broken down constantly to put out any music so currently I have no job oh and not to mention I'm pregnant" I said starting to cry again they looked at me sympathetically

"you really think you'd be doing it all by yourself?" she asked and I just nodded while looking down "Taymee we're your family we would never let you do this on your own" Toni exclaimed " Yeah Tay it takes a village to raise a child" Trina said. "And now its time for some retail therapy"

The closer I get to you|A Braxton Pate love storyWhere stories live. Discover now