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"So, what time should we all be there". Toni sent in the group chat. "5:00, it will be dark by then". "So how are you going to get her there" Janet asked. "that's your job, pick her up at 2, I'll give you some money to take her to Chocolates, and get her a really pretty dress to wear for tonight, tell her that it's for some event you guys are hosting" I replied. "Ok. K?" Toni said, "yes Toni".

"Thank you so much. You have no idea the shit my sister was going through when you came into her life. She was so depressed about everything so when you came into her life and completely shifted it like that, it meant the world to our family and more importantly her, shes not going to tell you how broken she was before you because she doesn't want to seem weak but just know I've never seen her as happy as she is right now, and I am more than happy to give you my blessing" Toni sent. "I concur" Janet agreed "your so welcome Toni. I'm glad I could make her happy. Thank you for your blessing"


"So how did you get her ring size". My friend Bobby Lytes asked. I'm staying at his house until tonight. "I stole one of her rings" I shrugged. "You don't think she's gonna notice it's gone" he questioned. "I took it a month ago, if she hasn't noticed by now, she won't" I assured. "Your wife is calling you Kimberly".

I smiled. Just her being addressed as my wife made me blush. "Hey, my baby, where you at" her voice soft as a rose, I can't wait to make her my wife. "Hey princess, I'm working" I said, lying like hell. I look up and see Bobby smiling and snickering, I stick my tongue out at him. "Ok well I'm not gonna hold you then, I just wanted to hear you voice Babygirl" she said "Okay mamas I'll hit you up later" I said smiling hard as fuck "ok daddy, I love you" she said "I love you more baby" I said as she hung up. "Yo ass was cheesing the whole time" Bobby pointed out "I can't help it"

"Mhm, so how are you going to propose?" Bobby asked. I'm going to have all our family and friends in attendance. It's going to be at a beach because that's one of her favorite places to go. I'm going to wear a sexy dress and I asked her sisters to pick one up for her, just know, this night will be one of the best nights of our lives."


"Toni michele why are you buying me a dress" "Because Me and J are hosting an event tonight and you are the special guest she replied. "Ok but I can pay for it myself". I don't know what's going on, but Toni is acting weird. She and Janet have been acting weird ever since they picked me up from the house. "Do you like this dress sis" Janet asked me

"Yeah" I said nonchalantly. "What's wrong Taymee" Toni asked while looking at more dresses "Nothing" I said blankly. Then Toni gave me the look she always gives me when she knows I'm lying. I hate that damn look. "Ok fine, I'm worried about K I texted her 3 hours ago and she still hasn't responded

"I'm sure Shes ok, Shes just working." Janet said "OK."

-    Three Hours Later

"Hey K were here" Toni texted. "Ok, Put the blindfold on her and follow the music". I responded. "You seem nervous" I heard Bobby say. "I am I mean, what if she says no" I pondered. Just the thought of it saddens me. "She won't". I hope not. I put a lot of work and effort into it. I mean her whole family and friends are here as well as mine. It would be heart wrenching.

"K get out your head, Shes coming". Bobby whisper yelled. I look up at her and see Toni and Janet Bringing her towards me I feel warm tears start to fall down my cheeks though, I quickly removed them. They walk her up to the red carpet made of roses then remove her blindfold. And damn she looks good in that dress

The closer I get to you|A Braxton Pate love storyWhere stories live. Discover now