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Today I have a doctors appointment to check up on the baby and find out the gender. Me and K are so excited to welcome this baby into our world. And as of right now, So is Emree. Emree is spending the day with The Jackson's today so me and K can relax. K is downstairs waiting for me to be ready to leave.

"Tamar Estine Braxton, what could you possibly be doing. I been waiting for a hour" K says. I chuckle softly to myself before speaking. "I'm doing my makeup baby"

"You don't need it but okay" K said.

About 20 Minutes later, I walk downstairs ready to go. "You look beautiful babe, but next time you have me waiting like that imma fuck you into another existence". I laugh and kiss her lips tenderly, as I walk out the door.

-At the hospital-

"I'm nervous kimbear" I said "Don't be bubba I'm right here don't worry " Kim said. I simply smiled at her.

The doctor walked in with a small comforting smile.

"Good morning Ladies, it is nice to see you both again, let's get to it shall we?" She said "We shall". I lifted my shirt just above my belly as she put the cold gel on my stomach.

I look up at the Monitor as I listen to the heartbeat. "Oh" Dr.McBride said. "Oh what" I said nervous and concerned. "Ms Braxton not only are you pregnant with a girl, but, you seem to be pregnant with a Baby Boy as well".

She said. I become overwhelmed with emotion. The Love that I feel for them already so strong. "OMG baby we're having twins" K said. I smile brightly as she wipes my tears. "Congratulations Ms Braxton and Miss Pate"

"I can't believe I'm having twins baby isn't this crazy. Boy and girl. call me Hannah Montana because I got the best of both worlds" I said cheesing. K looked at me and continued driving. "Babe that was so corny.....but it's cute".

I put my hand on hers as we sit in a comfortable silence. I think of everything I been through and wonder how I've made it.

Wonder what K saw in me. Wonder how Emree actually got to my doorstep that night. Excited for the twins but already getting overprotective. I wonder where Vince is at and why he decided to bow out more importantly why he took my daughter away from me.

However I'm grateful. Though I've been through so much, I've also gained so much. I proud of myself for being strong. Proud of myself for moving on. I look at K and smile and she does the same. "I love you" we both say at the same time. I laugh a little then kiss her. This is gonna be a amazing ride.

The closer I get to you|A Braxton Pate love storyWhere stories live. Discover now