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Previously on The Closer, I Get To You
" Yeah Tay it takes a village to raise a child," Trina said. "And now its time for some retail therapy"
Wednesday, April 13th, 2022

So we were shopping right and I bump into this fine beautiful immaculate ass woman but when I saw her I made my view of her change immediately.

K POV"Hey Tamar look, Ik we've had our differences but I am deeply sorry I understand I was wrong for calling you a muppet and dragging you and I just want to apologize" when I saw Tamar she looked absolutely beautiful it made me feel bad for how ...

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"Hey Tamar look, Ik we've had our differences but I am deeply sorry I understand I was wrong for calling you a muppet and dragging you and I just want to apologize" when I saw Tamar she looked absolutely beautiful it made me feel bad for how I treated her I probably made her feel ugly which she is the farthest thing from.

"Thank you for your apology, I'm sorry too I said some shit also that was out of line". She said truthfully "maybe we can hang out sometime get to know each other," I asked her "I'm down with that" we exchange numbers I smile at her then walk away.
Tamar pov
"Ooooo," all my sisters said "what," I said already knowing what there "ooohing" about "I see you lil lesbian side creeping out," Toni said with a smirk I just rolled my eyes blushed, and continued shopping, "I think you like her," Trina said "pshh what no" I lied "mmm ok whatever you say"

K pov

I guess it's a date 💖

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I guess it's a date 💖

Three weeks later
Tamar and I have been talking every day since the mall. We ended up postponing the date because we were both very busy. It's only been 3 weeks but the chemistry between us makes it seem like it has been forever. I already feel so connected to her. I think about her nonstop. It's kind of hard not to she so beautiful even in her natural state. And when I say beautiful I'm not just talking about her looks she is a beautiful person, in general, he spirit is so amazing and it's so infectious. Speaking of the Angel she faces timing me right now.

*Incoming face time from Wifey*
Tamar: Hey K
K: Hey Beautiful
Tamar did a light chuckle and tried to hide the fact she was blushing but I saw her.
K: Do I make you nervous angel?
Tamar: Your a smart woman Michelle you should know the answer to that question.
I usually don't like when people call me by my middle name but, when she does it, it's sexy.
K: You ready for our date in a few hours

Tamar: yes and no

K: why

Tamar: well I said yes because I can't wait to see you and if we're honest I can't keep my mind off you lol but no because I'm scared.

K: Scared? Scared of what baby girl

Tamar: Of love, scared of the butterflies I get whenever I talk to you or think about you, scared of hurting you, scared of hurting myself, scared of damaging you. Everyone I had been with left me especially when I needed them most. There has to be a reason. And mostly, I'm scared to admit that in this short time I've fallen for you K. So yes I'm ready for our date but I'm not sure if you're ready for me and my baggage.

I was quiet for a moment trying to process everything she just said. I got this overwhelming feeling. A feeling I can't explain nor control. A feeling that I never felt before. A powerful feeling. A connection. The things she said to me. I can tell she's been through some real shit. But I don't want to go into this relationship with her thinking that I give two fucks about her baggage. As if that will stop me from loving her. I look back up at the screen seeing she had tears in her eye. It broke my heart.

K: Tamar, A few things, one I don't give a shit about your baggage why, because you are not your pain, your trauma or your issues. Two don't blame yourself for the dumb decisions those stupid mother fuckers made. Just because they don't see the prize that you are doesn't mean I don't. And as for you falling for me, Princess, I fell a long time ago. Why do you think I bullied you for no good reason I had feelings didn't know how to convey it because you were in a relationship and because of that I made myself hate you. Or at least tried to.

She was silent. But her silence spoke volumes and so did her body language. I watched her light up like a candle. Giving me confirmation that I was still in the clear

K: Send me your address, be ready by 6:00

I smiled at her blew her a kiss and hung up the phone.
Five hours later
I pull up to Tamar's house and my jaw drops "This big ass house for one person, Ik she expensive" I thought to myself. I walked up to her door and knocked. Soon she came and opened the door she was lookin like a fucking snack!

Tamar: Take a picture it will last longer
I rolled my eyes and chuckled. We just stared at each other for a moment. I couldn't take it anymore. I grabbed her by her waist and pulled her close. My lips clashing with hers. At first, she was hesitant but then she kissed back and it felt magical. I slid my tongue down her lips asking for entrance and she denied. Oh, she wanna play? I slapped her ass hard and asked for entrance again. This time I got access. Immediately our tongues began to battle for control. Eventually, she gave up and allowed me to take complete control of the kiss. We made out for about 10 minutes. And it was amazing.

Tamar: let's go before we never make it to whatever you have planned

K: Damn I knew you were fine but shit

Tamar: Your not so bad yourself

K: You ready

Tamar: Hell yeah

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The closer I get to you|A Braxton Pate love storyWhere stories live. Discover now