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Back at the house:

"Babe where is Emree" Tamar asked me. "Don't worry my love she's with the Jacksons" I said smiling "What are you up to Michelle" she asked "Just wait and see" I said lowly "Im scared" she said giggling "You should be" I said as I led her to the bathroom. Her eyes lit up. A smile spread across her face. "Baby T-This is beautiful" she said blushing.

"I take it that you like what you see" I said rubbing up and down her shoulders "I love what I see Kim-bear"

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"I take it that you like what you see" I said rubbing up and down her shoulders "I love what I see Kim-bear". "Girl I Love that dress but you won't need it anymore" I said as I undress her planting pecks on her neck when I was done l quickly undressed myself And she whined " what's wrong honey" I asked "I wanted to do it for you" she whined "unt unt tonight is all about you" I helped her in the tub and got in after.

"This is romantic" she said smiling "Duh I planned it" I said she playfully rolled her eyes and shook her head "I'm going to make this night very eventful" I said grabbing whipped cream from behind me. She rose a eyebrow at me and smirked. I picked her right foot up and put whipped cream on her toes and began to suck them slowly As beautiful soft moans escaped her lips.

Her eyes close as her mouth forms an O shape as I move on to her left foot. "You like that baby" I said before finishing up "mhm show me what else that mouth do". "Be patient baby" I said said and I pull her over to me and hold her close to my body and massage her neck. "mmmm" she moaned "Your hands are magic" she said.

I chuckle as I move my right hand down to her treasure. She laid her head back on my boobs. Her sweet moans in my ear motivating me to pick up the pace. Her moans got louder as she rode my fingers. The more she moaned the faster I went "mmm daddy im close" she moaned out "Hold it for me babygirl" I picked her up and got out the tub.

"Wait baby we didn't even wash up" she said softly, I shrugged "What would be the point? were just going to get dirty again". I carried her over to the bed and laid her down on her back and walked over to my black duffle bag. "What's in the bag" she asked.

I ignored her question because tonight she's about to meet someone whos going to change Her world forever. I take out the handcuffs and walk over to her I grab her wrist and cuff them to the bed "Kim what are you doing" I ignore her question again."Open your legs" I said sternly. She did as told. I cuffed her feet to opposite sides of the bed.

After I made sure she was locked up I walked over to the other side of the bed and kissed her lips then looked into her eyes "I have some rules and punishments for you princess" I said in a deep seductive tone. "One. From now on When we are in the bedroom you will address me as mistress. Two. You DO NOT under NO CIRCUMSTANCES cum without my permission.

Three. I don't EVER want to hear 'I cant take it' or 'stop' or anything of the sort I do wtf I want. Four Lastly for the rules your safeword is.....Kimbear" I whispers that last part. She was quiet and I began to wonder if I was going to far but then she smirked. "And for the punishment's?" She asked.

"If you address me ass anything other than mistress, that will result in 30 lashings and if you do it more than once that will give you double. If you cum without my permission, I will do things to you that aren't even imaginable for brains like yours. Lastly If I ever hear 'I cant take it' or 'stop' or anything of the sort, just don't expect to walk the next 30 days. Do I make myself clear?". "Yes mistress".

To be continued

The closer I get to you|A Braxton Pate love storyWhere stories live. Discover now