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6 months later

I am now eight months pregnant and everything has been running smoothly of course minor bumps in the road here and there but for the most part it's been smooth sailing

K I are amazing and Ree is getting so big and growing up so fast my life is great and I couldn't ask for anything better the babies nursery is finished the baby shower was great maternity photos came out beautiful me and K also decided to move in together just because it would make more sense for the kids however my name is on the lease so if anything should happen to us me and the kids will have the house that was Ks idea. Today we are having a housewarming

Me- when me and K went house hunting, we knew instantly that this was the house. It's Nice, spacious, 6 bedroom, 7 bathroom, a nice kitchen for when I cook, a playroom for Emree a nice red room for me and K a big backyard and a indoor outdoor pool. I have everything I need in this life now all I really need is a ring

Toni- A ring? You want to marry her tay?

Me- yeah I love that woman to death and we loved her too and not to mention we are about to bring two babies in this world

I said rubbing my belly. I think it's something to be said about being somebody's wife versus somebody's girlfriend and me? I want to be somebody's wife and not just any somebody Ks wife.

Toni- yea but are you sure you're ready to get married right now though?

Me- if it was anyone else the answer would be no but, it's K and I know with her my life would be a lot better

Toni- you really love her huh sis

Me- Immensely.

I get in my thoughts just thinking about her. I really do love that girl. Just when I start to miss her she walks in looking like a snack

K- hey baby girl, what's up Toni

She sat next to me as I kissed her on the lips

Me:hi baby

K- what time is everyone supposed to be here

Me- 6:00 it's the arrival time

Janet- K come here for a sec

Janet said coming out the kitchen.

K- ok i'll be back baby

She said kissing me before exiting the room

Toni- Tay you're blushing hard as hell
Toni said snickering

Me- oh shut up girl

K pov
Me-what's up Jan

Janet- what do you think about Tamar

Me- what do you mean

Janet-like tell me how you feel about her

Me- well obviously I love her that's my princess my world my heart my life hell she's my everything. If we don't end up working out I cant be with anyone after her. There's nobody out there like her no man no woman is better than her I love her childlike spirit, her smile, her eyes, they sparkle and oh my God she gives the best hugs and cuddles. Her lips are so soft, she holds the best conversations, she gives the best advice and there is just simply no one else out there for me.

I said shedding a tear I truly love that girl and she has changed me in so many ways that's my baby and I don't care what nobody says she's my forever.

Janet- are you going to propose soon

Me: Absolutely! I plan on doing it after the twins are born.

Janet- let me know if you need any help planning I fully support you guys you guys truly love each other and it's beautiful

Me-  thanks jan


Tamar-  Well guys this is the kitchen

Me: she cooks the most amazing meals

Tamar: thanks babe

She said giggle continuing to show the house to our guest

Tamar-  OK guys this is our living room

As Tamar showed the house I couldn't help but to stare at her she looks so good I pulled her to the side and whispered in her ear

Me: baby let's go upstairs

I said plastering smirk on my face

Tamar- OK you all help yourself set some food outside in the backyard thank you for coming

Yea she gon be cumming too real soon.
We walked upstairs our bedroom I locked the door behind us before throwing her against the wall and putting her arms above her head before kissing her roughly and passionately.

Tamar- mmm baby help me get out these clothes

She moaned in between kisses.

Me- yes ma'am

I unzipped her dress in the back and outside in the front taking it off. She caressed my face lifting my head up before kissing me softly as I caressed her boobs

Me- you ready mamas?

Tamar- Hell yeah

The closer I get to you|A Braxton Pate love storyWhere stories live. Discover now