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I was in my bed peacefully sleeping before The Jackson couple buss up in my bedroom screaming. How the hell did they even get in. "Get y'all hoes asses up" Janet said

"Bye Damita" I said snuggling into K. "Get out we tryna sleep" K said holding me then put the blanket overtop of us. That moment was short lived because before we new it the cover was yanked off of us.

"Oh Unt Unt hell to the no, get y'all asses up" Toni said. "Toni did your small ass really just yank that weighted cover off of us" K said getting up Toni nodded.

I tried to get up but I just fell flat on my face. My legs feel like jelly. "Damn K what the hell did you do to her" Toni said "something Damita is very familiar with" K said referring to Janet's Alter ego. Janet nodded while Toni shook her head. K walked over to me and picked me up bridal style

                            -3 hours later

Today we are Taking Emree out to the Amusement park. She's been begging to go since she's been with me but I just haven't had the time. Toni and Janet left a hour ago after annoying the hell out of Emree lol.

"Ok Ree Ree all done" I said finishing up her edges as K walks in "Kimmy!!!" she squeals in excitement. "Hi pretty girl. How are my two favorite girls" she said with a smile plastered on her face. "Good" me and Emree said.

"Kimmy let's go take pictures" Emree said cheesing "Ok in our way out" she responded simply with a smile. I sat back and watched them interact as they talking about everything and nothing at all.

It's something about their bond that makes my heart smile.

I needed to see this because it's easier for me to accept the fact that I'm getting ready to have another baby that she is going to be the parent to by her own choice.

She's great with Emree. I can tell that she's not just doing it for me. She loves Emree, I can tell and it's beautiful.

"Babe you ready to head out" K said snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah Kimbear, I'm ready" I said. I grabbed my purse as we walked out and ofc we started taking pictures of her as Promised.
And Of course we had to post them.

Kmichellemusic: I've only known this beautiful girl a few weeks but she has changed me and my life in so many ways

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Kmichellemusic: I've only known this beautiful girl a few weeks but she has changed me and my life in so many ways. She's changed my prospective on things making me have more patience and compassion. Making me see the world through her eyes. Never thought I'd be parenting a child that isn't mine but, God I love it here. @Tamarbraxton I love you so much for coming into my life and blessing me immensely and Thank you Emree, for changing me♥️.

Toni Braxton: Aunties Baby
Trina Braxton :♥️


tamarbraxton: This is the first time I've ever come out about this publicly

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tamarbraxton: This is the first time I've ever come out about this publicly. I'm sure many of you know that a few years ago I gave birth to a baby girl that ended up missing. I cried countless sleepless nights, searched day and night for her they never found her. One night this beautiful little girl just shows up at my doorstep and it just so happens to be my Emree. Since that night I have become a new person. I am being pushed to be better. Waking up holding you in my arm hearing you say 'good morning mommy' With your beautiful smile That warms me up inside. Thank you for coming back to me, I love you Emree♥️✨

Toni Braxton:We love you Ree, your such a blessing
Janet Jackson:My lil thugguh ♥️
Cora Jakes:♥️

We had to cancel our plans because it started raining. Emree was super sad well she was until I told her we could have a movie night.

Now we are All sitting on my couch cuddled up watching Frozen. I swear this girl thinks she's Elsa lol. About mid movie I notice her dozing off. I see that k is already asleep I kiss their heads, and Take a picture.

I pick up Emree and take her to her room, tuck her in then once again kiss her good night. I walk in my room seeing K already falling back asleep.

I turn the light out before getting in the bed and rapping my are around her and my leg around her waist. "Thank you" I said "your welcome" she said softly not asking why because she was half asleep. Before you know it, we were both sleeping with nothing but the sounds of soft snores and soft cuddles.

The closer I get to you|A Braxton Pate love storyWhere stories live. Discover now