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Same day starting with no POV

K carried Tamar to her car put her on her feet and opened up her door so she could get in.

Tamar: Ouch

K: What's wrong love

Tamar: Nothing

she lied.

K: Oh, so you wanna be punished for lying?

Tamar: I'll tell you when we get to Mr chows

K: Babygirl I had something else in mind so with that being said, we aren't going to Mr. Chows

Tamar: Oh well where are we going

K: It's a surprise

Tamar: I hate surprises

K: you'll love mine

Tamar: mmm ok

They pulled into a back alley. Tamar had no way of knowing where she was

Tamar: K where are we

Tamar asked worriedly

K: Put this blindfold on

Tamar: Kimberly where are we

K: Do you trust me?

Tamar nodded her head yes. K took the blindfold and put it over Tamar's eyes and tied it. Not tight enough to where she would be in pain but tight enough so that she couldn't see. She got out and went over to Tamar's side guiding her to the restaurant. Violins playing the instrumental to Tamar's favorite love song 'The closer I get to you' bye Luther Vandross and Beyonce.

Tamar: K what's going on

K: Take off your blindfold princess

Tamar removes her blindfold and looks around in awe. Unsure of the right words to come up with so she decided to be quiet. Tears of happiness flowed from her eyes. Overwhelmed with happiness.

Tamar: Wow

K: Soooo I did good?

K said with a smile

Tamar: Good? You did great Kimbear

K: Kimbear? I like it

Tamar smiled at her comment as she dug into her favorite foods

K: So you gonna tell me what was going on with you in the car

Tamar: We need to talk

K: About?

Tamar: A few weeks before I met you I found out I was pregnant It was very very bittersweet because I had just gotten my divorce and because of where we were in our nonexistent relationship I didn't know if he would want to be in the baby's life or not but he promised me he would. 2 months later he texted me giving me a bullshit sap story about why he can't be in his or her life it broke me down completely because I wasn't and still isn't ready to do this on my own. So with all that being said, I was in a tiny bit of pain in the car because the baby kicked. Please don't stop talking to me I know you probably feel blindsided and I just want to let you know that I'm so so sor-

K cut her off with a passionate kiss

K: you talk too much for your own good

T: wait.....your not mad that I'm pregnant I mean we're technically not together so you ha-

The closer I get to you|A Braxton Pate love storyWhere stories live. Discover now