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As a child, I never truly understood the meaning of time and what it could do to someone. You could look around the world, and with each passing moment, something thrives or withers.

A new friendship could bloom, or a relationship would fall apart. Just like that, in a single moment of time, everything could change. This concept was foreign to me, but as I grew I started hearing things . . . seeing things in a way that I have never done so before.

Time is but a fleeting moment and if you waste that moment worrying about something that has passed or yet to occur, you will miss the beauty of the moment you're in now.

Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life.

Don't be trapped by dogma—which is living with the results of other people's thinking.

Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice.

And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.


You smiled to yourself as you got onto the bus to your new school, your tiny hand grabbed onto the metal bar up the stairs of the bus, while the other gripped onto your small, but heavy backpack.

"Thank you sir!" you smiled innocently at the bus driver.

He gave you a small nod and proceeded to check the tickets of the other boarding passengers.

You looked around the bus, trying to find an open seat and that's when your eyes landed on a certain boy, about your age, sitting next to a window in the very back. His hair was a midnight black, it was styled in a way that it was spiky, but the sides of his head were the longest parts. Something that really caught your eyes was how his eyes shined like gold. His vision was attached to the scenery outside, he had this distant and very mysterious look about him too . . .

Your eyes sparked with curiosity and you hurriedly sat next to him. You noticed his eyes widen a bit as he felt the seat next to him be filled, but immediately went back to staring out the window.

"Hi there! My name is (Y/N)! Nice to meet you!" you smiled, sticking out your hand.

He looked at you for a moment, then at your hand, before shaking your hand hesitantly.

"Nice to meet you . . . (Y/N)" he replied in almost a whisper.

"What's your name? Oh! And do you happen to be going to Qixing Elementary School? That's where I'm going!"

"My name? Oh, my name is Xiao. Uhm, yes I am going to that school too . . ."

"Xiao! That's such a cool name!! Xiao, Xiao, Xiao~!" you gushed. You repeated his name over and over, while the said boy only flushed with embarrassment at your antics.

"Please don't say it so loud . . . bad people might come after me . . ."

"I'm sorry! Please forgive me!!" you stopped immediately and clung onto the boy for forgiveness as tears started to well up in your eyes.

"It's okay, please don't worry about it!" he carefully pushed you off him to create some sort of space between you two.

During the whole bus ride to Qixing Elementary, you went on and on about how your parents bought you new crayons, new markers, and various school supplies for this day. You even mentioned this was the first time you'd have gone to school.

Your new friend listened intently while staring at the scenery outside of the moving vehicle, nodding his head to your statements at times and giving small responses here and there.

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