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We sometimes underestimate the power of the little things. The small bees flying to gather pollen, the soft pitter patter of the rain, these little details are part of an entire picture. Without them, it would feel incomplete, empty and perhaps even dull.

Waking up to the sound of your loved ones, putting on the comfiest clothes for the day, the first sip of of coffee in the morning, the sounds of bird chirping outside, and the way the day starts over . . . no matter what happened yesterday. It's the little things that keep you going no matter how challenging life is right now. I hope you always seek out joy and find gratitude even when life starts to weigh you down. There's so much to be thankful for, especially the little things.


It didn't take long for Track Practice to end. You and Hu Tao kept chatting away about life and the both of you got to know each other a lot despite only knowing each other for a week.

"We should hang out more (Y/N)! Outside of school I mean! I mean, all you do is study study study~. You have to live!" Hu Tao gave you a giddy smile as she laid down on the bleachers. She always seemed to have a happy aura around her no matter what and you could imagine that she could be extremely popular with the students at the school. However, instead of talking to others, she only talked to you and refused to go with other peers. In a way, it made you special that someone would want to spend much of their time with you.

"I don't always study! Unfortunately, I just have nothing else to do in my spare time so I like to be productive so that I can measure my self-worth you know?"

"Mm~ I like the way you think! I mean, I don't want to be useless in this world you know? There's no use for people who just lay around and do nothing!" she laughed, "but that's why I like you (Y/N)! You are such an extraordinary person! I can't wait to see what the future holds for you"

"Aw, thanks Hu Tao. I strongly believe that you're an amazing person as well," you looked towards Xiao as he approached the both of you, his training being finished. He grabbed the bags that were on the seats below you and stood there.

"Great job in your training today Xiao. I'll see you tomorrow?" you smiled and gave him a smile, but the midnight-haired male didn't move an inch, "is there anything else you need?"

A few–awkward–seconds went by before he finally replied, "it's the weekend tomorrow . . . Do you want to catch up with each other?"

"So what are you proposing?" you asked, raising your eyebrows and smirking. Xiao never liked to have too much social interaction. He could only take so much before he'd want to get out of the conversation and retreat to the luxury of his bed. It was a familiar scene in your childhood and you always teased Xiao whenever he'd want to hang out with you. This was the perfect opportunity!

"Accompany . . . each-"

"Pft! You don't have to say it if it makes you uncomfortable Xiao!" you chuckled, "I know what you mean and I'll gladly . . .accompany you tomorrow."

Xiao put a hand through his hair and nodded, "let's go to the bus stop then? I told Venti to wait for us."

"Eh! Stay with me (Y/N)! Just for a little bit . . ." Hu Tao pulled on your sleeve and began pouting and making puppy-dog eyes at you. As much as you wanted to walk to the bus stop with Xiao, you still valued Hu Tao and wanted to spend some time with her. After all, you did spend a great deal of time with Xiao these past few days.

"I'll catch up with you, don't worry. I'll hang back for a bit," you waved him off as your childhood friend nodded and walked away.

"You spend so much time with him, but what about me! Am I your second choice (Y/N)?"

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