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I've thought about it, but I still don't understand. Under the blue sky, I waited for you. On that breezy afternoon, my imagination escaped the confines of the day. Where do I go from here?
No one has told me how to proceed. I looked into your eyes and without a word I walked away. I've thought about it, but I still don't understand.
I can't seem to break the habit of playing on my desk. I've tried giving up on the piano.

I still remember how my fingers grazed upon those porcelain keys, I played until there was no tomorrow, softly singing into the midnight.

He would always be there, listening to me. He would stay, and attentively listen to the notes of each melody and harmony.

What will I do in the future? It shouldn't be music, right? Don't worry. Even if I plucked a single string in my heart, no matter what I did, it wouldn't disappear, even now . . . I'm mistaken. I don't understand, I don't care about the truth or love or the world or pain or life. Wanting to know what's right or wrong is just a self-preservation instinct.


It's been a long time since you've sat on the bus and you are most certain that you have almost reached your destination: Liyue Highschool.

You look at the last page of the book you were reading grimly. Although it was an ending you didn't expect, there was just no way that the book could end. It was worth your heartache and tears!

"Please prepare your backpacks, we are almost at Liyue Highschool," the bus driver announced on the speaker.

You closed your book and stuffed it into your bag.

Excited chatters erupted from all over the bus, all of the new students eagerly waiting their arrival to one of the most renowned schools in the world.

"I wonder how many teachers will assign homework on the first day . . ."

"Oh I heard that the teachers were handsome!"

"Seriously?" a student deadpanned.

You giggled at the conversations around you, but you couldn't help but listen to a particular one.

"Xiao~" a voice cooed, "isn't that what you need in life?" A girlfriend! That would be so nice!"

You averted your eyesight towards the speaker and found yourself looking at the infamous musical prodigy.

"I don't associate myself in those affairs. I'd rather put my attention into academics," a familiar deep voice replied. Xiao.

"Aw~ come on! Don't be such a buzzkill!" Venti softly nudged his elbow to Xiao's side, giving him a small grin, "surely there's someone you find an interest to. Might as well put your good looks to use you know?"

"Even if I did have feelings towards . . . someone. Love is difficult. It can tear you up inside; make your heart believe a lie and I refuse to go through that."

"Oh but don't be like that! I can tell you all the wonders of this feeling! If you love them, it's worth it~"

The small talk continued and you slightly giggled at their antics.

Same old Xiao. He has yet to change one bit! At least he has Venti at his side though.

You adjusted your golden spectacles, a favorite of yours. It had a small chain hanging towards the end of it and it looked quite fancy if you do say so yourself!

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