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Someone once told me to always live for the little things in life. Live for 5AM sunrises and 5PM sunsets where you'll see colors in the sky that are stunning. Live for road trips and bike rides with music in your ears and the wind in your hair. Live for days when you're surrounded by your favorite people who make you realize that the world is not a cold, harsh place. Live for the little things because they will make you realize that this is what life is about, this is what it means to be alive.

Humans lack time and if we spend it worrying over things that have happened or yet to happen, we'll miss out on the beauty in front of us.

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.


Today was definitely not your best day. Your bag was messy, your hair wasn't neatly done as usual for school days, and you failed to have breakfast that morning. Fortunately, you barely made it to the bus stop and got onto the bus, giving the buss driver a wave. You sat in your usual seat as you heard rustling from your unkempt hair hitting the head rest. You placed your head onto the window, letting out a small sigh as you closed your eyes and let your mind drift off to the sounds of students chattering in the bus.

It hadn't been long until you felt the vehicle drive through a small bump on the road, waking you up from your peaceful slumber.

"Ah, what was that?" you muttered. Your eyes fluttered open as your vision began to adjust to your surroundings. You noticed that your head wasn't even on the window any more, rather it was on someone's shoulder . . .

"Eep!" your eyes widened as you finally realized that Xiao was sitting next to you, and you were resting on his shoulder.

"Oh my goodness, I am so sorry!" you exclaimed frantically.

"Looks like our sleeping beauty has awoken~" a jubilant voice cooed. Venti was in front of your seat, and turned around, "if you're that tired (Y/N), you should rest some more!"

"I'm alright, don't worry!" you brushed away his worries, but quickly turned your head to the sleepy male next to you.

"Hm?" he mumbled. Xiao began to open his eyes slowly, and looked at his phone for the time.

Your thoughts were all over the place, wondering how you had rested on his shoulder in the first place when your train of thoughts were interrupted.

"It's nice sitting with you (Y/N)!" Venti beamed, "we were going to ask to sit next to you but~ you fell asleep as soon as you sat down ehe~"

"I see. I was worried that I sat in the wrong seat by accident. It's nice to finally have some company," you returned his smile and Venti continued.

"Well! Want to know a little something?" Venti whispered as he motioned you to come closer.

Out of the corner of your eye you notice Xiao raise his eyebrow, but you pay no mind to it.

"I called sitting next to you, but Xiao insisted on sitting next to you under the pretense of 'you're annoying and loud. You'll only wake them up'," Venti imitated Xiao's voice in a very . . . interesting way, but it was entertaining nonetheless.

"Haha! He'd definitely say something like that," you held in your laugh, afraid to offend the poor boy who just lent you his shoulder.

"Wait, so then how did I end up on your shoulder?" you asked curiously, turning towards the male next to you.

"Oh that-"

Venti cackled as Xiao struggled to form words to your question, "Xiao here kept seeing your head hit the window and despite your head hitting the window numerous times, you wouldn't wake up! So at first, he-"

And There Was One || Xiao x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now