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It's odd. The idea of change is a strange one. Sometimes, I am so used to the same routine every day, the same actions, the same steps, everything. But then suddenly a new phenomenon occurs. It could be a new person along the way, an unexpected event, anything. Each time, it confuses me because I am no longer following the same schedule that I am accustomed to.

This feeling is uncomfortable to me because I'm already happy with my life as it is and this change . . . who knows what road it will lead me to?

Unfortunately, as humans, we cannot be afraid of change. New people come to our lives and others leave. We cannot become what we want by remaining what we are. It is time we accept change and all that it brings with it. The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new.

Don't be afraid of losing people. Be afraid of losing yourself trying to please others.


Once again, you wait at the bus stop to get picked up by the same bus that you've taken each day to go to school. The only difference this time was that today, you felt lonely. After all these years, you felt like you had this crashing feeling of whether your existence in this world actually mattered. Were you just a mere number to be counted in population? Perhaps a percentage for science? Who knows.

"Hey hey (Y/N)!" a cheerful voice interrupted your thoughts.

"Sorry for yesterday, I really didn't feel like missing the bus home! I didn't even realize that Xiao had company until he told me on the bus!"

The blue-haired male rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly and gave you a nervous smile.

You laughed softly at his apology, "don't worry, I understand. I never expected an apology anyway. Don't mind me, you should go back to talking with him, I'm sure he feels lonely."

You looked over at Xiao who averted his gaze from you and focused on the scenery outside.

"Why don'tcha sit with us then? You don't sit with anyone on the bus right? It's fun to get to know everyone hehe," Venti smiled at the offer and gestured to you to follow him.

Reluctantly, you follow and make your way across to the seat in front of them. As usual, Xiao was minding his own business, perhaps listening to music, and Venti was busy chatting away about nothing. You internally smiled to yourself at the feeling of finally having company on the bus. After all, it had been a few years since you sat with others, let alone be in the company of people who were willing to talk about things other than school work.

The bus finally arrived at Liyue High School after a few minutes. Today, the sun was awfully bright like a spotlight in a theatre performance. You, Xiao, and Venti walked off the bus and bid your farewells to the bus driver who waved back with a kind smile on their face.

Venti stretched his arms out and once again began making small talk, but this time, it was more like complaining "Ah~ It's only the second day of school and I already don't want to go in! They dumped so much work on us on the first day!"

"Yeah, but what can you expect from this school? We were chosen for this school and we knew what we were getting ourselves into," you replied.

"That's so not fair though! Some of the work we do has nothing to do with the major we're in!" Venti kept on venting about the misery that school puts its students through as we walked to our respective classrooms. The marble floors and the chandelier hanging above the high roof at the "lobby" of the school. You walked her into the building, crossing the small bridge and going to the building where the first year classes reside.

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