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Every day I think about what life has awaiting for me. Sometimes it's good, other times it's just plain horrible, but do you know what makes me keep going?

It's the thought that there is someone out there, waiting for me. Personally, I feel like the only reason people don't find that special someone, is because of one of two reasons. One, both partners have given up on finding their other half, thus neither will ever find each other. Two, a tragic event occurred and the partner is no longer on the same Earth.

This concept . . . it disheartens me. I fail to comprehend how some people can leave this world purposefully and leave others to mourn for them. What makes them think that life would be better without them? What makes them think that people would want to live their lives without them in it?

Sacrificing yourself so that others can live happily without you? Nonsense. If you think people will be happier without you in it, you're wrong. There will always be someone, something, out there waiting for you. Waiting for the moment to be with you. It's time to realize that.


You had no clue what you were getting yourself into.

But for some strange reason, you trust her. You really do.

"Hu Tao, where are we going?" you asked the brunette.

You were practically wheezing with how fast you two were going. She kept dragging you by your arm and you could barely keep up with her pace!

"Just you wait (Y/N)! It'll be amazing!" she replied with excitement.

"Alright, but I have to get back to work soon okay? I don't want to be swamped with homework during the weekend!"

After what felt like hours of running, the two of you finally reached the top of a cliff which showed a beautiful view of the school. The sun was setting and from this cliff, you could see students walking out of the school, some were practicing for their sports, and others were hanging out with friends.

It was stunning, and the shine of the sun's light only made it that much more magnificent.

"This . . . is amazing Hu Tao! How did you find this place?" You were beaming, the sight gave you goosebumps. The air softly blew against your face, the leaves whistled softly, and the sun shone gallantly.

"I told you I'd help you be more known right?" Hu Tao smiled as she sat on the grass, facing the school, "this place is where many found themselves. Their moment! Their spectacular idea!"

"What do you mean?" you asked as you sat down next to her.

"Rivers belong where they can ramble. Eagles belong where they can fly. Just like them, you've got to be free! That is the only time you'll find yourself known."

". . . I'm not following?"

"Hm . . . The reason people become famous is because they are able to let go of the chains that bound them to Earth. Meaning! They change themselves to how people want to perceive them, you know?"

"I see . . . but that's not good though. If they change themselves for other people's sakes"

"You don't understand! You have to change yourself to make yourself happy! If you don't like how you are now, then change!" Hu Tao smiled.

"For starters, let's take these off!"

She took off your golden lens and neatly put them away in her pockets.

And There Was One || Xiao x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now