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Every time I think of you, I feel the intensity of loving you like you could never imagine. What I want more than anything is to hold you in my arms and tell you how much I love you and how much I want you in my life.

Please . . .

Don't ever doubt my love for you because it is as real as today as it was the day we First began to share a love.

Every day my love for you grows deeper, higher, stronger, wider . . . It grows and grows until it touches the tip of where you are and comes back to me in the loving memory of you, and my heart melts with that love and grows even more.


You hummed to yourself as you and Hu Tao sat at the same spectacular view that she had shown you before. Hu Tao was smiling joyfully as she swung her legs back and forth at the edge, you were doing the same as the both of you talked to each other. The sky was on the brink of becoming a complete midnight when Hu Tao stood up from her spot.

"I think my job is done," she smiled, patting herself down.

"What do you mean?" you cocked your head to the side in confusion.

"Nothing you need to be concerned about my shining star~! The sun has set so I must go now! You could say that I'm going on a long vacation, so you won't be seeing me for a while (Y/N). Sorry for the sudden notice."

"Vacation? Why?!" you exclaimed. You shot up and glued yourself onto Hu Tao, refusing to let go. "Don't be gone for long okay?"

"I won't. You'll see me again soon (Y/N)~"

You realized what she meant, and you smiled towards her, "thank you for everything Hu Tao. Truly."

Hu Tao walked off into the distance, her figure fading away, leaving you alone. The only thing keeping you company was the man in the moon and the stars glimmering overhead.

You relaxed and laid yourself on the grass, listening to the small chirps of the grasshoppers and the rustling of the leaves.

You entered class the next day without Hu Tao. She was on vacation, so that left you alone with no one else to talk to. Of course you had Xiao, but you believed it would be better to leave him alone. Once you came to your desk, a singular Lily of The Valley was on your desk. To say you were confused was an understatement. Who would leave such a beautiful flower on your desk?

Just as you were about to pick it up, a Hand was placed on your shoulder and you jolted.

"Haha! Did I scare you?" The voice was familiar, but it was definitely not Venti's. You turned around and you were shocked to see the boy you had met in the cafe weeks ago, "fancy seeing you here (Y/N)!"

"You remember me?" you stared in shock.

"Aw~ does that mean you don't remember me? I've got to say, I'm a bit sad!" The magenta-haired male feigned sadness as he put a hand above his heart and his other hand on his forehead dramatically.

"Oh don't be silly! Heizou right? I didn't know you went to this school," you replied.

"I didn't know you did either until now! I was walking by the Freshman wing when I saw you staring at your desk weirdly. At first I didn't believe it was you, but low and behold!"

"There's a flower on my desk and I didn't know who placed it on mine. They must have mistaken it for someone else's desk, so I'd like to give it to the original owner if possible," you sighed, picking up the white flower. At the Same Moment, Xiao entered the classroom, but he gave a weird stare at Heizou.

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