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Ignorance is bliss. A famous saying that an ignorant person thought of, and ignorantly thought that it is true. Many people believe that leaving the hurtful truth unsaid, would give them happiness, some sort of comfort, however this is not the case whatsoever. Ignorance deprives people of freedom because they do not know what alternatives there are. It is impossible to choose to do what one has never heard of.

That is why, as painful and as heartless as the truth may be, it would be better living with no regrets of remaining unconscious of the thoughts of others. It is better off knowing the dark and disgusting truths to everything, rather than the beautiful and innocent lies.

But, I'll let you decide.


You had locked the door behind you, and slumped down immediately. The moonlight was the only source of light in the house and you hadn't bothered to turn on any of the other lights in the house, too afraid that perhaps Xiao would be able to see the feeble expression you had. You rested your head on the door, and closed your eyes for what felt like a moment, letting the moonlight swallow your consciousness.

Middle school was when things between you and Xiao ended abruptly. Perhaps it was the amount of people between the both of you, or maybe it was the feeling you had of being out-of-place in Xiao's new group of friends. To be honest, you had no clue yourself. Perhaps there was no reason and perhaps it was just how life moved us on from what's not important to us anymore.

"Good morning Xiao~!" you exclaimed in a sing-song voice. You hopped onto the bus and quickly sat next to the midnight-haired boy. His hair was all black, but it was still styled in a very unique way that gave him an intimidating, yet soft aura around him. He always sat down near the back of the bus, staring aimlessly through the window.

He tilted his head upwards and back down, a silent greeting that he'd give you, which always made you smile at his acknowledgment.

"First day of Junior High! Are you excited?" Xiao made a small humming sound. He never talked much to you anyway, but you would always find all sorts of things to talk about with him, whether he enjoyed it or not. You placed your backpack in front of you and began rummaging through your various school supplies before you found a few books that you had just started to read, "I just got this new one, I found it in the attic of my home. It's strange though! It has no title though, it's just blank. No author, no summary, nothing, but the book itself is written!"

"That is strange," Xiao was now staring at the book in your hands and narrowed his eyes at it, before he turned his head back to the moving scenery.

"Before I forget, let's take a picture to remember this day~" you took out your phone and took a selfie with you and Xiao together. You had to pull Xiao into the photo with your arm because of his timid nature. You snapped the camera and looked at the picture of the both of you, "I'll print it out and give you a copy so we both have this memory with us forever!" The male nodded and continued to stare out the window once again.

You made yourself comfortable as you rested your head onto Xiao's shoulder and continued to read the book from where you left off. You felt a gaze from behind you, reading the book with you, so you slowed down your pace in order to make sure that he could keep up with you. You went through about two chapters of the book before the driver announced that you were at the designated Junior High.

"Aw what a shame! We were getting to the good part too!" you pucker your lips in disappointment and stuff the book back inside the bag.

"We?" Xiao asked.

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