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Hope and Clarke reached the Triad detention facility with no problem, except if you count Hope’s questionable choices in music and food, but that could be due to her humanity. The facility was just as he remembered, there were 3 gates and they would enter from gate number-2 because it had the minimum security, and he remembers the passcode of that gate correctly.

“Guess my old passcode is still working” Ryan said smugly “but it will only get us this far”

“We have to be careful and not draw attention, go to the documents section and retrieve the file.”

“Don't draw attention, got it” Hope said as she pulled on the alarm and gathered every attention that she could.

“I figured the OG triad would lay a trap for us, that’s what I would do.”

Hope saw as a vampire entered and she hit him in the face with a punch, a werewolf followed but was met with same fate. Ryan was panicking, all of a sudden he was surrounded by supernaturals and one blow from them could end his dear human life. His only saving grace was Hope, who was at the moment busy snapping neck of some vampires. He thought this would work, he would keep standing in the corner and let Hope fight them all.

“And you are?” a werewolf turned towards him and looked at him with predatory eyes.

He had two choice now- scream for Hope and make a fool out of himself if she decides not to help, or be strong and fight him off.

“Clarke” he said as he picked up a metal rod from nearby and slammed it into his head “Ryan Clarke”

“Admit it Clarke, you are enjoying yourself” Hope said as she looked at him , surprised that he did that.

He didn't reply just smiled, he could say that he loved being human and wanted a life but he sure missed the action and adrenaline rush that came with being a part of the other community.

After their fight near the entrance, they continued walking around for a while and found the room which had all the records.

“If I remember correctly, you should go search that row and I will go search there” Clarke said pointing in two different directions.

“See, I knew you could be useful Ryan” she winked and wasted no time in heading towards the direction he had pointed.

Ryan smiled, he knew that the oldest record book will not be where he had sent Hope but something else would be. In the meantime he could go actually find what they came for and clear his suspicions. He walked swiftly and started searching for the book which he knew was titled ‘trias originis’. He looked between the tombs that contained knowledge of mostly everything, and he finally found the book and took it out, he quickly opened the book and was terrified, his suspicions were correct.

If these people were after Hope, then it was a very grave issue, they were not stronger then Hope, at this point nobody was, but they were cruel and smart, they wouldn’t have gone challenging her if they had nothing on her. He needed to convince Hope to go back and ask her friends to help, but given her state of humanity it was highly possible that she wouldn’t listen to him. Now he had no choice but to help Hope himself at least till he is able to convince her of taking her friends help.

Hope reached the place Clarke had told her to go to and kept examining every title, there were books on dragons, sirens and even phoenix, but nowhere was the title 'origins of triad' or whatever it was, she kept on searching until she found that one title she didn't expect to even be there. She froze and hesitated before finally deciding that she was too curious to just leave it there. She pulled it out, and examined the cover; it was old probably written centuries ago.

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