Part 10

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Rasmus Thornton POV

He knew he had totally ruined things for himself and his team. This entire plan from the start had bugged him, he didn't feel it was possible to trap the tribrid let alone kill her. Still he had listened to the bloody sogging witch and followed her plan, the result was that he had lost his love. Trudy. It wasn't the first time he had lost someone he loved, and given his immortal life, it wasn't the last either but he would mourn her for more than one reason.

He knew the damage a tribrid could cause for him and the vampires, especially a Mikaelson. The threat associated with the tribrid was the reason he had agreed to the plan, but he was more of a diplomat if anything, he had considered the possibility of the witch losing and him siding with the tribrid instead more than once. He had a good plan in mind but all of his plans would have to wait unfortunately, that is if he survived the witch first.

"I have some favorable and some not so favorable news." he said, bracing himself for the worst.

"As expected, Thornton" 

"I'm aware of your disappointment, perhaps if you would be more particular about your wants." 

"I'll be as particular as I wish to be, and you'll know as much as you deserve."

"They are dumb, they'll probably come here, and we can prepare for that."

"Indubitably, we have to rely on their stupidity and not your capacity to do the work given to you properly."

Bloody witch couldn't say one sentence without insulting him, sometimes he really wondered why the hell was he working with her. Even more incentive to get his plan to side with the tribrid in action.

"The girl is something, even if she is small, she is strong."

"She'll learn her lesson, I have backup."

He could only wonder what the backup was but he knew whatever it was, it definitely wasn't going to be a good one. Now all he had to do was plan and analyze whose side he was on. Was betraying the witch and siding with the tribrid worth the trouble or not?


Hope couldn't understand what was wrong with him, one moment everything's fine and the other he just snaps and leaves. Trust herself to get rejected by Ryan Clarke of all people, and not the first time this had happened. Just a moment ago everything was so good, she felt so wonderful, if only he could be a little more daring and just do it. She was starting to get really irritated at this point, this couldn't carry on for long. He would have to make up his mind for one thing. Either he goes through with it or never does it again.

She stood up with renewed vigor and went to call for him but when he didn't reply she tried to listen for his heartbeat or any sound that could indicate his presence but couldn't find him anywhere, she looked around but found no signs of any hiding human. She stood up and checked around the house and found that the backdoor was open. Oh crap. He left the house. Was he mad? or dumb? or both? She rushed outside, praying to find him there but there was no one. Obviously they would have gotten him by now.

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