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"Jaemin! Come on are you ready?" Jaemin's manager, called outside of the dressing room. They had a gala to attend and Jaemin was still dressing, and his manger was loosing his patience.

"I'm coming!" Jaemin opened the door, in all his glory.

"Okay yes I admit you look good. now let's go or we'll be late" Eunhyuk, jaemin's manager took his car keys and drove to the destination.

"Who's gonna be there?" Jaemin really hated such party's, nothing interesting would happen, maybe some gossiping here and there.


"From the people I know"

"Mark, he's coming, then hyuck is also coming, he told me he tried telling you but you aren't online much lately and that you never answer him" Eunhyuk said.

"Yeah that sounds like a me thing to do" Jaemin chuckled, humming alongside the song that was playing in the radio.

"We're here" Eunhyuk announced, as he went out and opened jaemin's door for him.

"Smile, there's a lot of paparazzis here" his manager whispered.

Jaemin listened to him well as he smiled, and waved his hand a little, saluting.

"Jaemin! Jaemin!" A lot of reporters tried to get his attention, but they were stopped by a good amount of bodyguards.

"Let's go" Eunhyuk then guided Jaemin inside, where a lot of other celebrities were already entertaining themselves.

"Nana!" Haechan who was already eating some snacks, came over to Jaemin.

"Hyuck!" Jaemin said, biting Haechan's food.

"Hey!" Haechan pouted, as he dragged Jaemin over to renjun and Chenle.

"Where's Jisung?" Was the first thing Jaemin asked as he sat down at the table. All of his friends were very famous knows artists. Renjun was a painter, Chenle and Haechan were singers, while Jisung was one of the best dancers.

"He's on his way he just texted me" Chenle said, taking a sip of his drink while looking at the contact of Jisung,
'Sungie <3'

"Are we waiting for someone else?" Jaemin questioned, as he saw other two places free at their table.

"Ah yes! They're friends of mine, you'll love them don't worry" Chenle excitedly clapped.

"Ah look! There's sungie" Renjun pointed at the door, where the tall baby just entered.

"Sungieeeeee" Jaemin screeched, hugging the younger to death.

(A/N): what's up

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