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"Oh hey, didn't think you'd be here" Jeno said, as he leaned on the railing of the balcony of the big-ass-mansion where they were holding the gala. Jaemin had gone up to the balcony some minutes earlier, claiming he needed fresh air. He had never been a fan of big crowds anyways.

"Well- I said I needed fresh air, where do you think I'd be?" Jaemin answered.

"Yeah fair point"

"Anyways what's up? Is something bothering you? You look kinda stressed" Jeno eyed the younger, who was definitely a bit pale.

"Uhh nothing much just life" Jeno hummed understanding where the other was coming from.

"You're actually nice"

"eXcUse me?! You thought I wouldn't be nice???" Jaemin's eyes were wide and his frown was so big, Jeno couldn't help but giggle.

"Your smile is really beautiful you know?"Jaemin admired, as he kept his eyes locked on jeno's.

"I-I get that a lot" the older black haired boy replied, fiddling with his fingers.

"No seriously thought did you think I'd be some dumb-ass-rich-I-know-everything type of person?"

"No! I mean I didn't expect you do be social a-and all?" Jeno was questioning himself what the fuck he was blabbering about.

"I mean you just kinda look cold so I didn't expect you to be this friendly" Jeno corrected himself.

"I guess It's just the impression I have on people the first time they see me" Jaemin recalled all the times he got called cold by everyone he met for the first time.

"Yeah though as soon as you smiled I knew you were a good person" The older boy then sat down on the couch that was placed on the big balcony, the younger following right after.

"So how did you get into modeling?" Jeno Didn't know why, but he felt interested in the younger.

"I was 14 when someone first came up to me on the streets, I was just going home from grocery shopping with my mom when it happened, they wanted me to do some publicity for teenager clothes or something, my mom declined though because she thought I was too young, the lady who wanted to scout me then gave us her card and told us to call her once I'm 'old enough'. When I turned 17, we were a bit unstable with the finances so I called the company and they took me in directly. Thank god the people there were super nice, I got to work with a lot of other models too."

"You didn't work with me though" Ah yes, I forgot to mention, both of them are even from the same company.

"I don't know why I never did, maybe its because your waaaaayyyy more famous than I am, plus you don't do many collaborations" Jaemin replied. The two of them never bet before despite being from the same company. Both had completely different schedules and friends. If it wasn't for Chenle, they probably wouldn't have met tonight either.

"How do you know I don't do many collaborations?" Jeno raised his eyebrow.

Jaemin's ears turned red at the olders question. Definitely not because he thought Jeno was hot the first time he saw him, so he searched on the internet. And definitely not because he had grown a small crush on the older with all those years passing by.

"Do you really think I wouldn't know the models from my own company? And there's your face on literally anything now-days." Barely saved that one Jaem he thought.

Jeno just hummed, not completely believing what Jaemin had said.

"What about you Jeno? What got you into modeling?" That was a question Jeno wasn't expecting.

Jaemin fortunately had seen the way jeno's eyes had shifted as soon as he asked the question, so he decided to just let it be. They had met just now, they had all the time of the world to get closer, didn't they?

(A/N): can't wait for holidays

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