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At the photo shoot

"Okay, please look at each other!" The director called.

And they did what they were told to do.

Jaemin turned his head to the side, his forehead nearly touching jeno's.

And Jeno found himself drawn into the others eyes, not wanting to pull away.

"Yah! Don't pull my shirt!" Jaemin screeched, Laughing.

Jeno just chuckled in response, shaking his head.

They finished the shoot, now going in their rooms to change.

"Hey Jaem, wanna come over at mine?" The older asked.

"Sure, should I wait outside?"

"Yupp" Jeno nodded, as he watched jaemins back retreat into the changing rooms.

Jaemin was finished before jeno, so he waited outside jeno's room, just like how he said he would.

He planned onto waiting, but he was growing impatient.

He wanted to text Jeno to hurry up, but then he noticed that the olders phone was laying on the couch right next to him.

Jaemin huffed, as he took jeno's phone and knocked on the others waiting room, not receiving a response.

He thought that the door would be closed anyways, but he still tried, and surprisingly, the  door opened.

Jaemin entered the room, closing the door after, but he saw Jeno nowhere (he only saw the entrance, the room is BIG)

"Jen- oh shit sorry" Jaemin quickly spun around as soon as he saw the other shirtless, hands over his eyes.

"Jaemin?" Jeno raised an eyebrow, why was Jaemin here?

"Y-you forgot you p-phone" he stuttered, as he tried giving it to Jeno with his eyes still closed.

"Thanks" Jeno let out an amused chuckle, taking his phone and throwing it on the other couch.

"You can turn around" Jeno said, and Jaemin spun around, his hands were still over his closed eyes.

"You can also open your eyes" Jeno said, was Jaemin imagining things or did jeno's voice get deeper in a matter of seconds?

Before he could even understand what was going on, Jeno took his hands away from his eyes, as he slowly opened them.

He made eye contact with Jeno, who was in fact still shirtless.

"W-wh" Jaemin couldn't even form words, as Jeno stepped forwards, making jaemins back meet the door.

"Do I make you nervous?" Jeno raised an eyebrow, his lips dangerously close to jaemins ear.

confident ass

"What if you do?" Jaemin whispered back, using the same tone as jeno.

The other looked taken aback for a second, but of course that didn't budge him.

"Then..." he started, but his hands couldn't seem to keep still, as he gripped onto jaemins waist.

"Can I?"

Of course he fucking even asks for permission Jaemin thought.

"Yes please" he didn't want to sound desperate, but something about the way jeno's touch felt on his skin, or the way jeno's breath fanned over his ear, he couldn't think straight.

Jeno started kissing his earlobe, sending sparks through jaemins body.

He made slow movements, making Jaemin go crazy.

He went even lower, as he started to kiss his neck, it went on like this, Jeno leaving a lot of kisses on his neck, careful to not leave any marks.

The older had noticed how Jaemin seemed to start getting impatient, as he made his way to kiss his jaw.

And once he went right over a spot, he heard a sound leave jaemins mouth.

the younger quickly slapped a hand over his mouth, closing his eyes shut.

Did he really just moan?

"Do... do that again" Jeno said, breathing heavily.

Jaemin just shook his head, damn was he embarrassed.

But Jeno did not accept that, as he purposely kissed that spot over and over, and Jaemin couldn't help but let more sounds leave his mouth.

Fuck Lee Jeno because of his skilled mouth.

Once Jeno was satisfied with jaemins neck, he made eye contact with the other.

"J-jen" he breathed.

And Jeno didn't waste any other Second, slamming his lips on jaemins.

It was really amazing the way jeno's lips felt on his, because in that moment, Jaemin didn't want to pull away. Not now, not never.

soft kisses and touches were shared, mingled breathes, and swift tongue movements.

And a knock on the door was heard.

(A/N): 👀

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