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Markhyuck special chapter <3


hyuckie: wanna come over?

marker: sure

marker: be there in five

hyuckie: alr~

Haechan started to walk around the room, nervously staring at the door.

He was gonna do it today.

He decided he would confess to mark.

It took him time to plan it out, but in the middle of it he just gave up, realizing that maybe being himself would be the best option.

He heard the doorbell ring.

He quickly checked his clothes, hair, and face before opening the door, and letting mark inside.

"Hey hyuckie" mark smiled.

"Hey markie, wanna stay in or go outside? The weather is pretty nice" Haechan asked, the sun shining through the windows.

They usually wouldn't be allowed to go outside without protection, but did they care? Nah.

And Haechan knew the perfect spot, where no one could find them.

"Let's go out" mark agreed, as he and Haechan made their way to what he liked to call 'secret spot'

Mark knew where that was, after all, he was brought there by Haechan multiple times already.

"Don't you think something's is up with Jeno and Jaemin?" Haechan asked, and then mark stopped, looking at his friend right in the eye.

"You know too?" Mark questioned, receiving a nod in return.

"Oh thank god, I'm actually waiting for Jeno to confess"

"Nah, nana said he'd do it, but now that I think about it, Jeno might've preceded him." The brunette shrugged, as he kept a steady peace.

Mark kept on looking back and forth between their hands who were brushing every two seconds, so without a second thought he grabbed Haechan's hand, linking them together.

The younger boy blushed, purposely making his head look down so that mark wouldn't be able to see his blush.

"We're hereeee" Haechan started walking faster, dragging the older boy along.

In the middle of the forest, there was a small wooden house, right besides a little lake, that was full of flowers and fishes.

They entered the small house (it was locked ofc) closing the door after.

It's not like anyone could enter, it's Haechan's private territory. Yes, he bought the place.

There was a bed in the right corner, some bookshelves, another shelf with food and drinks, and a small couch with toys, plushies and games laying around.

He also had a drawer with clothes.

"Let's take this blanket and eat next to the lake!" Haechan suggested, as he took the blanket and mark the snacks, walking outside.

They talked and ate in peace, only nature surrounding them.



They both said at the same time.

"You go first" the brunette gulped, thinking if he should really mess this up.

"How do I- I mean- fuck."

"Hyuck... I've never been a person that did feelings. Usually, as soon as I developed crushes or small likings for a person, I'd break contact with them because I didn't want to like anyone. I myself never knew why, maybe it was because all the important people in my life always told me that love was not worth it. But then... you came. With your bubbly and friendly nature, which I thought I would find annoying, but no, I found it so damn cute. And as we got closer... i thought I'd break contact with you too. But there was something that stopped me from doing it.

Because for the first time in my life, i was ready to risk it. I was ready to risk getting broken, if that meant staying with you. I realized I liked you more than what I could imagine, hell, even Jeno was so surprised once i told him about you. So in conclusion; you could say you're my first everything, love, serious crush or something like that" mark didn't look at Haechan in the eye at all while he was speaking, so once he looked over, and saw the younger cry, something broke inside of him.

"Hyuckie... no please don't cry- I'm sorry if I made you cry-" the older cupped his cheeks, wiping away his tears.

"I- like you too" Haechan choked out, clinging onto marks arm.

"You- are you serious?" Mark asked in disbelief.

"Yes!" He slapped the olders arm, hugging him like he never hugged anyone else before.

"Oh hyuckie" he hugged back, kissing the top of Haechan's head that was positioned under his chin.

And for the rest of the afternoon, they laid on the soft blankets, talking about everything that came into their mind, not once parting their bodies from each other.

The smile never left their faces.

(A/N): I believe that Markhyuck will rise again someday

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