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Jaemin and Jisung were patiently waiting, jisungs head lying on the olders lap.

"Sooo are you gonna do something about your crush on lele orrr"

Jisung choked.

"M-my what?"

"Your crush on lele"

"I don't have a crush on lele!" Jisung flushed, hiding his face in jaemins stomach.

"You know you can talk about it with Me" Jaemin softly smiled, running a hand through his friends hair.

"fine, I admit that i l-like Chenle"

"you should tell him"

"ARE YOU DUMB?!" Jisung shot up, throwing a pillow at Jaemin.

"I can't deal with rejection"

"He won't reject you" Jaemin shook his head, neatly placing the pillow where it was before.

"He will!"

"If you don't do anything, someone else might snatch him" the older boy reasoned.

"As long as he is happy..." Jisung sadly smiled.

All he wanted for Chenle was to be happy. Even if that meant someone else.

"I bet he would be even happier with you! You don't know if he'll reject you. What if he feels the same?" Jaemin said, pulling Jisung in a hug.

"Then I guess I'll never find out"

"You're so stubborn! But please, at least think about it? For me?" Jaemin cutely pouted, letting Jisung go to open the door, when he heard the doorbell ring.

"Heyooooo! Welcome to my humble- just come in" Jaemin chuckled, letting Haechan and mark come in.

"Did you come together?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Oh no, i just saw him on my way here" mark cleared up, going to greet jisung.

"Hyuck, perhaps, do you have something to tell me?"

"I- oop look, the doorbell. ILL GO" Haechan awkwardly chuckled, running to open the door once again.

"Sup, come in. Everyone is In the living room" he greeted the last two guests, as they made their way into the living room.

"jaemmmmmmmmm, Jeno hyung is winning now" Haechan chuckled, checking the poll on the internet.

"congrats, I guess" Jaemin said, snatching jisungs drink and taking a sip.

"you really don't care about who wins huh?" Jeno laughed, sitting down next to Jaemin.

"Nah, not really"

"hey- i was thinking about something" Jeno whispered, only for Jaemin to hear.

"Mhm?" The other whispered back, moving closer so that he was able to hear him better.

Jeno then expressed his idea, making jaemins eyes go wide.

"Yess! Let's do it! I can't believe this is happening-" he fanboyed.

"Do you like me that much?" Jeno laughed, his eyes turning into crescents.

Oh boy, you can't even imagine how much

"I'm a fan of yours since when you debuted as a model; so yes"

"What are you guys talking about?" Mark wondered, interrupting his conversation with Haechan.

"Ah nothing"

(A/N): hi
Early update since I have school until 5pm rip to me

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