chapter one.

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3rd person pov

   Jasmine sat backstage working on the last touches to her make up. Everyone once in a while she would look to the side of the mirror to see how her little, Anthony was doing. She was a bit worried about him, she noticed that he hadn't been little the day before. Anthony coughed lightly, he was a bit sick. Which made Jasmine even more worried about the man.

  "Anthony, baby. Calm down, you'll do perfect tonight. You always do." Jasmine placed her hand on top of the fidgety hand of Anthony. Anthony shot his caregiver a slight smile and calmed down a bit.

  "I'll try, I'm just a bit nervous since I don't feel that good." Anthony explained to the woman.

  "I understand completely sweetheart." Jasmine smiled.

  "Curtains up in 10 minutes everyone!" A stage director shouted catching everyone's attention.

  "Hey guy." Lin walked up to the two.

  "Hi Lin, is there something you need?" Jasmine asked politely.

  "I just wanted to check up on you two since Ant didn't call me yesterday." Lin sheepishly rubbed his neck.

  "Oh, I'm sorry Lin. I wasn't little yesterday, I didn't feel like being little." Anthony picked at his fingers.

  "It's fine hun, I was just a bit worried. But it's okay." Lin ruffled Anthony's hair.

  "Lin, I just fixed that." Anthony whined. Anthony turned towards his mirror and started to retye his hair.

"Sorry babe." Lin chuckled.

  "Next time he's little, I'll make sure that we call so you can come over." Jasmine smiled at Lin through the mirror.

  "Curtain in 2 minutes people!" Anthony started to fidget again.

  "Breath honey, you'll do absolutely amazing." Jasmine grabbed Anthony's hand and squeezed it.

  "Okay." Anthony took a few deep breaths. The two stood, and walked towards the side stage while holding hands.

  "Places people!" Anthony let go of Jasmine's hand and walked towards his spot on stage. Taking deep breaths to calm himself, Anthony listened to everyone around him mumble to each other.

  The curtains pulled up and the crowd started to cheer. Music started to play shushing the crowd. Anthony looked out at the crowd, nervous that he might mess up a line. He wanted to grad Jasmine and hug her tightly, but he knew he couldn't break character. Taking another deep breath, Anthony listened as the singing started.

  "How does a bastard, orphan, son of a whore..."


   Jasmine walked back stage after her last song, she was a bit tired. She knew deep down that she did an amazing job, but worrying about Anthony clouded her vision on if she had actually did good. She wanted to check up on him a few times while they were performing, but she couldn't break character.

  "Hey, Jazzie. You okay?" Jonathan asked the woman.

  "I'm fine, just worried about Anthony." She sighed.

  "I understand." Jonathan nodded.

   "Welp, time to go back out there." Jasmine said as the cast was called back out to the stage. She walked out to the stage and took the spot beside Anthony. She glanced over at him, worried clouding her eyes. After he performed his last song, Jasmine hadn't seen him what so ever back stage. The cast said their thank yous and bowed. After all was said and done, Jasmine went to change out of her costume.


   Jasmine heard wailing coming from the main backstage area. Rushing towards a group of people, she saw Anthony in the middle of the crowd. The man was on the floor, crying his heart out. Eyes puffy and face red from how hard he was crying.

  "Mommy! I wan my mommy!" Anthony sobbed. Jasmine shoved past the people crowding around Anthony, and pulled the sobbing little to her chest.

  "Shh, shh. Mommy's here baby, Mommy's here." Jasmine rubbed his back. Anthony clung to her as he cried into her shoulder.

  "Come on honey, let's go home. I know you aren't feeling well." Jasmine said pushing Anthony away from her shoulder. She gently wiped the tears from under his eyes, then kissed his forehead. Jasmine helped Anthony to his feet and continued to hold his hand.

  "We'll call Daddy later, let's worry about getting you home first." Jasmine led Anthony towards the exit.

  Once in the car, Jasmine made sure that Anthony was buckled before she pulled off. Playing Disney music for the little to calm down, Jasmine would glance over towards Anthony every once in a while to make sure he was okay. Jasmine made sure to drive at a reasonable speed, she knew that going too fast would scare the little.

   "We're home sweetheart." Jasmine said once she parked the car. Carefully climbing out, the two held hands as they would towards their home.

  "Mommy?" Anthony fiddled with the hem of his shirt.

  "Yes love?" Jasmine looked towards him.

  "Can me change?" Anthony asked.

  "Of course darling." Jasmine unlocked the front door. Anthony rushed towards their room to find some of his little clothes. Walking in, Jasmine saw Anthony had picked out a sweater with a pair sweatpants.

  "Let's get you changed prince." Jasmine helped the little change into more comfortable clothes.

  "Tank ou Mommy." Jasmine could tell that he was slipping to around his three year headspace.

  "You're welcome lovely." Jasmine kissed his forehead. Anthony grabbed his favorite pacifier and placed it between his lips.

  "Let's get a movie for my baby to watch." Jasmine said as Anthiny climbed into their shared bed. Normally she would make him watch tv in the living room, but seeing as the little was sick she let it slide. Climbing into the bed, Jasmine pulled Anthony to her chest. The two then cuddled close to watch the movie that was on the tv.

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