chapter six.

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3rd person pov

  Anthony woke up coughing, it sounded pretty bad to himself. He laid in bed waiting a bit before deciding to get up. Jasmine had been in the living room when she heard Anthony coughing. She was a bit worried about the little since he sounded sick. Jasmine turned back towards the stove where she stood making breakfast for herself, Anthony, Lin, Renee, and Daveed.

  "Good morning sweetheart." Jasmine said as she heard soft footsteps walk into the kitchen. Anthony grumbled out a reply, Jasmine knew he wasn't much of a morning person.

  "Lin, Renee, and Daveed are all coming over today." Jasmine said as she started to plate up some of the pancakes. Anthony mumbled a reply, Jasmine didn't really like it much.

  "They're a bit worried about you after what happened yesterday." Jasmine placed three more pancakes on another plate.

  "Okay." Anthony mumbled out while taking a drink of a juice bottle he had grabbed.

  "They want to make sure you're okay." Jasmine placed two of the plates on the table before turning back to grab two more.

  "Okay." Anthiny repeated himself. Jasmine sighed as she finished up the last of the pancakes. Just as she placed it on the table, the front door opened revealing the three cast members.

  "How are you feeling sweetie?" Renee asked as she walked into the kitchen.

  "Fine." Anthony didn't seem to be in a good mood.

  "Are these for us?" Daveed asked as he pointed towards a random plate of pancakes.

  "Why else would I have five plates of pancakes?" Jasmine laughed.

  "She does make a fair point." Lin said as he sat next to Anthony.

  "Feeling any better from yesterday?" Lin turned to face Anthony.

  "Meh." Anthony seemed to be in a mood today.

  "Are you feeling little?" Renee asked.

  "Meh." Anthony shrugged.

   "We can't help you unless you give us a better answer champ." Daveed smiled softly at the little.

  "Okay." Anthony didn't reply how everyone had hoped.

  "Baby." Jasmine gave a stren but gently look towards Anthony. Anthony didn't seem to falter as he still kept up his attitude.

  "I'll ask again, are you feeling little?" Renee asked once again.

   "I guess." Anthony answered. It was a better answer, but they hoped for a different one. The rest of breakfast was spent in silence seeing as no one knew what to say to each other.

  "Can I get up, please?" Anthony asked after finishing his food.

  "Yes baby, but." Jasmine was cut off.

  "I have to wash my hands, I know." Anthony sassed. He was little, around his six age range but that didn't mean he had the right to be sassy.

  "Wow." Daveed said once Snthony was out of the room.

  "Why is he so sassy today?" Lin turned towards Jasmine. Coughing was heard from the bathroom along with a few sneezes.

  "It could be due to the coughing and sneezing. But I really have no clue what is up with him today." Jasmine placed her cheek in her palm.

  "It's okay, we'll help you out." Renee said with a smile.

  "Thank you, I really appreciate it." Jasmine smiled back.

  "I'll go check on the little munchkin." Daveed stodd from the table. Lin gathered up all of the dishes, and placed them into the sick.

  "Oh Lin, you really didn't have to do that." Jasmine smiled softly.

  "I don't mind, I know I'm the guest but helping out is no problem to me." Lin smiled back. The group of three walked into the living room.

  "Uh, Jasmine." Daveed called from the bathroom. Jasmine walked in and saw a disaster. Soap and water everywhere with Anthony right in the middle.

  "What happened in here?" Jasmine asked.

  "Got bored." Anthony shrugged.

   "Go get changed young man." Jasmine pointed out of the bathroom. Anthony grumbled as he walked out of the bathroom and towards their bedroom.

  "I have never seen him act out like this." Jasmine sighed. Anthony was heard coughing all through out the house, which worried everyone.

  "Mommy?" Anthiny called from the bedroom. Jasmine quickly finished cleaning up the bathroom then went to Anthony.

  "Yes baby?" Jasmine asked opening the door.

  "Here." Anthony handed Jasmine the dirty clothes. She went to scold him, but remember that she forgot to put back the dirty clothes bin. Anthony started to cough into his arm, Jasmine sighed and led him out of the room.

  "I'm gonna give you some medicine, then you can go visit everyone." Jasmine said as she dropped off the clothes in the laundry room.

  "Don't want medicine." Anthoby whined.

  "It'll help you feel better baby." Jasmine led him to the kitchen. Finding the medicine she needed, she measure it out for the correct dosage.

  "Drink up honey." Jasmine tried handing the liquid medicine to Anthony.

  "No." Anthony crossed his arms.

"You need to take it baby." Jasmine warned.

  "No." Anthony turned his head away.

   "Don't make me go get Daddy." Jasmine wasn't having his attitude.

  "Don't get Daddy." Anthony pleaded uncrossing his arms as he turned towards Jasmine.

  "Then take your medicine." Jasmine handed it to the little.

"Fine." Anthony huffed.

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