Chapter 7: The Backstory

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Bluey and bingo, still confused about their dad's sudden shift, began to devise a plan to get the second DVD back. Chilli was chasing Bandit down the hallways of the hotel, trying to catch up with him. "Bandit! Wait up!" Chilli shouted waving at Bandit. The blue heeler stopped in his tracks and sat at the water fountain in the middle of the lobby. He pulled out the DVD and took a look at the cover. "Silly Show: Show 109" it read. The back of the DVD contained a list of all the contestants that participated. Low and behold, Bandit was listed.

Chilli noticed this and asked Bandit why he was listed. "Well, babe. I wanted to keep it a secret for a long time. But now that you guys have this, I guess its time I tell you the truth." Bandit said. He explained to Chilli that he was on the show one time while visiting America with his family. He enjoyed his time on the show, meeting new friends and even meeting Lucky's dad at one point. But there was one moment that he never wanted anyone to see. 

"So one of the mini games involved me and two other teammates having to fish a dog bone out of a ball pit." Bandit explained. "Sadly, I was the one picked to fish out the bone. They attached me to a harness and lifted me above the pit. My team lost this game, but still had a chance in the others. Though...There was one problem..." Chilli raised an eyebrow at her husband's story, but let him continue. "When they were gonna lower me down, the cord snapped, causing me to fall into the ball pit. And when I tried taking off the harness, I got stuck! And this was broadcasted LIVE for thousands of people to see!" Bandit exclaimed, blushing a little. Chilli chuckled at this story, much to Bandit's annoyance. "So that's why you won't let Bluey and Bingo watch the DVD?" Chilli said trying to hold back laughter. "Yeah, looking back now, it seems kind of silly.  Maybe we should give this back." Bandit said. "And who do you mean by 'we?'" Chilli scoffed.

Meanwhile, Bluey and Bingo snuck out of their hotel room and made their way outside, hoping their parents would be somewhere among all the fun and exciting attractions... "Now if we were mom and dad, where would we be?" Bluey questioned, tapping her finger on her chin. The two thought for a second before Bingo suggested they'd be at a swap meet of all places. "Good thinking, Bingo! Mom and dad love antique items...I think." Bluey said taking her sister's hand and leading her to the swap meet. 

"Let's find mom and dad!" The two shouted in unison. 

Bandit and Chilli arrived back to their hotel room. "Wonder where the kids are." Bandit said placing the DVD on a coffee table in the living room. "I bet they're in their bedroom. Probably playing a game." Chilli suggested. Bandit went up to the bedroom door, "Well, if they're playing a game... It sure must be a quiet one..." Bandit sighed before opening the door, revealing that Bluey and Bingo weren't there. "Oh....Now I get it, you guys are playing hide and seek on us, eh?" he chuckled before looking everywhere in the room. Under the beds, behind the flower pots, and even the closet, one of the easiest hiding spots for little kids. And they still weren't there! 

"Chilli? Looks like we need to find the kids." Bandit said. Chilli got off the couch, grabbed her purse, and made her way out the door with Bandit following her. 

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