Chapter3: 20 weeks pregnant

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Chad's POV

It's 7:00am. Hayley has her 20 week scan this afternoon. We finally get to find out whether our little tootie is a boy or a girl. I can't wait. I could feel her shuffling beside me. "Good morning" she mumbled. "Morning beautiful" I said kissing her. I got up and started to put some clothes on as did she. "Do you want bacon and eggs" I asked her. "Mmm yeah" she responded. "Chad" she said quietly. "What's wrong babe?" I asked concerned "well I'm gonna be a mom in four months what if I'm no good at it?" I pulled her into a tight embrace "Hayley lots of people have been new parents before. Your parents were and my parents were. It's not a bad thing to be a little bit scared. You are going to be the best mommy in the world. I know it". I could feel her hold me tighter. We stood there and embraced for a few minutes then we went downstairs and I cooked us breakfast. She sat down at the table looking at the first scan picture "look how tiny it was chad" I looked over and chuckled "not our little shrimp anymore huh". I handed her a plate of bacon and eggs and she slowly started to eat them. I picked up the first scan picture and stared at it. I still couldn't belive that my fiancée was carrying my baby, it was the best feeling in the world. After she had finnished she got up and took her plate to the sink. I came up behind her and placed my hands on her bump. "Oh my god did you feel that! I swear it just moved" I said with shock. "Chad thats like the sixth time you've felt it move since I've been pregnant and you always have the same reaction" she said chuckling. "Because it's amazing" I said as I pulled away from her.

The baby scan
Hayley's POV

We walked into the scan room where we were greeted by Rachel. "Hey it's nice to see you how have you both been?" "Yeah we've been good" I responded. "You wanted to know the sex today right?" She asked as I hopped on the bed. "Yeah" I said eagerly. She started rubbing the warm gel stuff on my belly. I immediately grabbed Chad's hand as our baby came up on the screen. "Wow it's gotten so big" I said with astonishment. "Yeah they grow real quick. Are you ready?" She asked looking at us both "yes" I said quickly. "You are having a baby boy!" I looked up at Chad smiling "we're having a boy" I said through my tears of happiness. I could see tears in his eyes I gripped his hand tighter. I had never seen him smile like this before. I'm so excited. "He's gonna be the most punk rock kid in Nashville" I said with a chuckle. Rachel went to get the pictures of our baby. I could feel Chad placing soft kisses on my cheek I turned my head and kissed him back with passion.

On the drive home I noticed Chad drove towards target. "What are you doing this isn't the way home" I snapped. "Well now we know we are having a boy I think it's time to prepare for when he arrives" he said looking at me with a smirk on his face. We both jumped out of the car and headed towards the entrance. We immediately rushed towards the baby section and started looking at all the baby boy clothes. I couldn't belive this was happening. I'm so happy.

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