Chapter9: 5 months old

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Hayley's POV

4:50 A.M. I heard cries come from the baby monitor. "Good morning to you too" I mumbled as I got up and walked into Mikey's room. As soon as I went over to the crib a massive smile appeared on his face and he let out a small giggle. "You seem pretty proud of yourself for waking me up this early" I said as I picked him up. I went down stairs and put Mikey in his baby bouncer while I sterilized his bottle.

Once it was sterilized I came back in the living room and turned on the TV. I handed Mikey the bottle and he started drinking it.

I collapsed on the couch and stared at the TV. Mikey turned around in his bouncer so he was facing me. I started pulling funny faces and waving at him, making him laugh.

He gulped away at his bottle. His fluffy blonde baby hair stood up on the top of his tiny head. I still can't believe Chad and I created that beautiful baby boy.

After Mikey had finished his bottle, I took him upstairs and put him in our bed with us. I got in beside him so that he was in between me and Chad and I drifted off to sleep.

Chad's POV

I woke up to what felt like a tiny baby hand smacking my face. "Mornin' bud" I said as I sat up and checked the time (6:54 A.M). I sat him on my lap and talked to him in my daddy voice for a while. I must have been talking pretty loud because Hayley started stirring. "Good morning boys" she said with a smile. "Morning mommy" I said holding Mikey in front of my face and waving his hand at her. She giggled "did you sleep okay Chad?" She asked "I slept blissfully" I said with a cocky smile. "Well I got woke up at 5 A.M by that morning monster" she said tickling Mikey's tummy. "I'll go and get him some breakfast. You get some more rest" I said kissing her on the head.

I carried Mikey down the stairs, placed him in his high chair and went to prepare his oatmeal.

Once it was ready I sat down in front of him and let it cool down. I scooped up a spoonful and touched it against my top lip to make sure it wasn't too hot. I blew on it a few times and started feeding him.

A few of our friends were coming over in the afternoon, so after I finished feeding him I put him in his bouncer and started to clean up.

Once I had finished cleaning the living room, I took Mikey upstairs to get him changed. I walked into his room and laid him down on his changing table. I took off his sleep suit and his diaper off. He kicked his legs around and giggled at me. I wiped him up, put a fresh diaper on him and got him dressed. I picked him up and walked into our bedroom. "Mommy!" I said as I ran over to Hayley and placed Mikey on her belly. "Hey baby boy!" She said in her mommy voice. He smiled widely at her "oh my god Chad!" She gasped "what, whats wrong" I asked rushing to her side. "Look" she said pointing to Mikey's mouth. A tiny white stub sat in the front of his bottom gums. "Oh my god a tooth!" I exclaimed, I kissed Hayley on the lips and stroked Mikey's hair. "He needs to stop growing" I said in shock of what I'd just seen. "I know our baby boy is getting so big" she said kissing his chubby cheeks.

Hayleys POV

2:00 P.M.

I heard the doorbell ring so I rushed to the door and opened it. I saw Jordan, Ian and Cyrus stood there with grins on their faces.

"Hey, come in" I said opening the door wider. Chad stood in the hallway holding Mikey. "Sup guys" he said, walking over to greet them.

"Hey daddy" Jordan said punching his arm lightly. "Awww he is so cute, can I hold him?" Ian asked "sure" Chad said as he handed Mikey over. We all sat in the living room and talked for a while.

"Oh my gosh you'll never guess what happened this morning" I said "what happened?" Jordan asked "his first tooth pulled through" I said with wide eyes. "Really? Wow" they exclaimed.

The doorbell rang again and this time Chad went to get it. Soon I saw Jeremy and Taylor walk in.

"Hey guys" I said, pulling them into tight hugs. "Sup Hayles" they said. "Oh. My. Gosh" Taylor said when he saw Mikey "he is so big."

Jeremy went over to him and started talking in a funny voice and making funny faces. He is so good with kids now that he has Bliss. Mikey laughed at Jeremy and soon Taylor took him from Ian's lap.

"Who's an adorable baby" Taylor repeated "Mikey is!" He squeeled, Mikey laughed at him and Taylor's eyes went wide. "Is that a tooth?" He asked looking shocked "yeah we noticed it this morning" I said.

"You need to stop growing Mister" Taylor said placing a kiss on his head.

He's growing up so fast. Make it stop!


A/N Thank you ArianSiani for the idea for this chapter. Let me know what you think of it. I'll try and update Adore soon:)

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