Chapter7: 3 months old

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Chad's POV

5:00PM I had just finnished running a warm bath. Hayley took Mikey's clothes and diaper off and put him in the warm water, cradling and supporting him. He kicked his legs and waved his arms around like a crazy kid. "I think somebody likes bath time" Hayley said with a smile, he started cooing and making noises. "Did you have fun being pushed around in your stroller at the park today buddy?" he let out a cute baby noise almost as if he was trying to answer her question. We both laughed at his cuteness "can you belive we made this gorgeous, smiley baby?" I asked looking at her longingly, she shook her head and smiled. I leaned over and kissed her soft, pink lips. She smiled as we pulled away. She scooped up some bubbles from Mikey's bath and blew them on me "oh it's on" I said as I picked up some bubbles and smeared them in her hair. Mikey smiled and let out a huge laugh "oh my god Chad" Hayley exclaimed "He laughed!" I said in amazement. Hayley picked him out of the bath and held him high "you laughed buddy" she said with excitement. He started waving his arms and kicking his legs around "great job" I said, tickling his foot. She placed him back in the warm bath and started to wash him. I couldn't help but stare at her. This beautiful woman was the mother of my child. My wife to be. My everything.

Hayley's POV

11:00 P.M "shhh Mikey. Please stop crying shhh" he's been like this for an hour straight. What's wrong with him? I started to panic so I phoned Rachel not caring that it was late.

Rachel: "Hello?"

Me: "Hi it's Hayley. There's something wrong with Mikey. He won't stop crying and I don't know what to do"

Rachel: "Okay I'll be over as soon as I can okay?"

Me: "okay thank you"

Once I had hung up I tried to feed him again. I lifted up my top but every time his lip touched my nipple he would jilt back and cry even more. "Still no luck?" Chad said as he came in the room "no and I'm really worried, why won't he stop crying?" Chad kissed me and took Mikey from my arms but he cried even louder. "Okay bad idea Mikey wants his mommy back" Chad said as he gave him back to me. Once Rachel had arrived she sat Mikey on her lap and checked his heart beat. She then looked in his mouth and saw that his gums were all red and sore. "I see the problem" she said "what is it?" "Well usually baby's start getting teething pains at around 3 or 4 months old. No teeth should appear any time soon but be prepared for alot of sleepless nights" she said handing him back to me. I sighed with relief "so nothing major" I said just to be sure. "Nothing major" she assured me. "Now I think this will be the last time I see little mikey. You guys don't really need my help anymore but if there is a problem feel free to e-mail me about it" she said and with that, she was gone.

3:45 A.M. I woke up to a screaming Mikey. I rolled over and kissed Chad on the shoulder "your turn" I mumbled and I turned over and went back to sleep.

Chad's POV

I felt a small kiss being placed on my shoulder and realised Mikey was screaming his head off. "Your turn" I heard Hayley mumble. I sighed and rolled out of bed. I picked up Mikey and went down stairs. I turned on the TV and The Mikey Mouse Club House was on. I gave him his pacifier and stared at the TV. Baby programs were so annoying. They always played irritating songs that would always get stuck in your head.

5:00 A.M. I looked down at mikey who was finally asleep. I turned off the TV and carefully went back upstairs. I gently placed him in his crib, trying not to wake him and finally I was able to jump back into bed.

Sorry it's short. Hope you guys like this chapter. Let me know what you guys think. I have just started writing a new chayley fanfic called One of those crazy girls. I would really appreciate it if you guys went and checked it out!

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