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Hayley's POV

I waited nervously in the bathroom staring at the little white stick that decided my fate of motherhood. "Only a mintue left to go" I told my self. I heard a knock on the bathroom door. "You okay in there babe?" Chad asked. "Y..yeah..I'm..I'm fine" I assured him.

Time's up. I slowly walked over to the test and picked it up. There it was. Two little red bars. "I'm going to be a mommy" I whispered to myself. I opened the door to see Chad looking really nervous. I nodded my head with a smile. His face lit up as I jumped into his arms, he swinged me around and then lowered me. He looked down at me kissing me softly and gently placed his hands on my belly. "I'm going to be a daddy" he said with the biggest smile on his face. "You're going to be the best daddy" I told him wrapping my arms around his neck kissing his passionately.

7:30pm I walk in the living room to find Chad watching TV. I cuddled up to him resting my head on his shoulder. "Can you belive it" I said looking up at him. He shook his head and placed his hand on my belly again. "My baby is in there" he said with delight. "I just got off the phone to the midwife and I've made an appointment to go and see her in about three days to find out how far I am in pregnancy and when the due date is". "Okay. I love you" he whispered to me. "I love you too" I whispered back.

"Hurry hurry hurry oh my god im gonna hurl". I made it to the bathroom just in time. I leaned over the toilet bowl as Chad rubbed my back. "I hate this so much" I sobbed. Chad held me in his arms stroking my hair. "Hey everything is gonna be okay". His soft voice calmed me as he gently kissed my forehead.

I made my way down stairs to be greeted by Alf. "Hey buddy" I said as leaned down to pet him. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed the box of doughnuts that were on the side. Chad looked at me funny as I scoffed them down."What?" I questioned. "Doughntus? For breakfast?" "I'm craving" I whined. He chuckled at me and went to get Alf's lead. "Comin'?" Chad asked. "Yeah sure the fresh air will do me good".

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