(Lil' Smut Alert) How We Change

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Hinata started releasing this alluring smell. It had a sweet kind of smell, so sweet that anyone could be lured. He was in heat again, and craving for Kageyama; calling out his name over and over; it was as if he was seeing stars as soon as their torsos part from the clothes.

Kageyama grabbed Hinata's neck, supporting it to make sure he couldn't stop it halfway as he kisses him passionately. His hand roughly held a lock of Shouyou's short orange hair, while the other trailed off the teen's body, searching for the bulge it was eager to reveal. Once he succeeded, he softly surrounded it with his long slender fingers, softly giving a little massage.

Hinata whimpers when he couldn't breathe anymore and Kageyama lets go. When he did, he stared at his one and only Omega. Saliva ran down his chin and jaws, his eyes sparkled with greed and lust, his cheeks were flushed with mixed colours of red, his hair was very messy, he was sweating and panting like crazy, all of these were tattooed on Kageyama's mind as a one whole image illuminated by the moonlight seeping through the windows.

He snapped back to reality when Hinata held his face, "You're staring...way...too much...." , and licked his lips.

The king was impressed, he was taken aback for a second, but not enough to stop him from ruining the lesser human below him. His hand that earlier held Hinata's neck moved to his pinkish nubs, later abusing it with flicks sortly before Kageyama's tongue meets with it.

Shouyou lets out a few whimpers in the process, and a slight burying of fingernails in the back of his mate. "I want it now, I want it now....hurry up will you...I want....Kageyama..!!" He breathes beside his lover's ear, more impatient than usual. But the Alpha just laughs.

"Hold on for a little while longer...I'm going to cleanse your body from a certain someone who stained it with his glares."

"A-aa..." Hinata moans as Kageyama worked his way on his body thoroughly, be it biting or sucking or simply licking. Afterwards, he gets back to Hinata's manhood, creating friction between their members, rubbing each other at a fast pace making Kageyama suppress the soft cries he'd not want to let out of his mouth. When Hinata was near, Kageyama immediately grabbed him and started going up and down, depriving him of his release. "A-ah...ahh...ahn..." He'd continuously cry out as his Highness provided him with pleasure and pain simultaneously, getting turned on by the contradicting feelings.

"You're too erotic to look at, dumbass. No wonder he's always checking you out." Kageyama says as he wiped off sweat dripping from his chin.

"Shut up..." Hinata responds unconsciously by habit. "HYAAA!!!!!!" He shrieked. Looking downwards, the king had put in two of his fingers in, twisting occasionally. He jerked and gasped when his lover had hit the bump inside him.

"Found it." Kageyama smirked, feeling proud of himself.

Shouyou squirmed when the sadistic Alpha scissored him and later entered with a third finger. He cursed Kageyama, threathening him he'll never show up at their home if he doesn't stop teasing him.

Kageyama clicked his tongue, "You don't want to admit but you actually love it when I do this...", blushing profusely, he regrets saying these embarrassing things.

"Hey, I'm serious he---" Something poked within him and started to invade his body. "A-AHNN...!!!" Once Kageyama''s shaft  was entirely inside, Hinata was squeezing hard on it, moaning ever-so-often. "Ngh...hnnnn...Haa.."

Tobio later rained kisses on Hinata. Soft ones that made him get a warm, fuzzy feeling and a sense of security, freeing him from any disturbance and letting him be in a state of tranquility. "Hinata..." Kageyama warns him bewitchingly, trying to not make it too hard for his cute Omega. "Get ready...."

Hastily, Kageyama rams himself inside, making schlicking noises as he keeps pulling out and pushing in rapidly, thoroughly feeling and remebering how Hinata's body works around him. "Kage...Kage...Kageya--aa..." Shouyou groans as he started arching his back.

"Yeah...kgh....say my name...Hinata..." Kageyama smiles.

"Ka....geya--ma..!!" Hinata shouts. Subsequently, Tobio picks him up as he placed him on his crossed legs. "Haa..haa..haa..." He pants.

Aah...he's squeezing too much..., Kageyama thinks to himself continuing the work....My omega......just how more beautiful can you be? He takes in the breathtaking view of Hinata sitting on his laps while being connected with his partner, his eyes tightly shut, his glossy wet lips, his reddish face, blushes reaching his ears and neck...

"Shouyou...." Hinata's name was called out by the voice he loved to listen to.
"AAAAAHN--!!" Faster....deeper...he moved. He slowly got rougher as minutes passed. But that wasn't the only thing going coarse. Hinata's hands scanned for Kageyama's back and latched onto it. He started scratching his skin before Shouyou, himself, even knew it.

A mark......Hinata says in his mind.

Proving you are mine......Kageyama states inaudibly as he harshly buried his teeth into Hinata's skin. Hinata screams in pain as blood trickled down his neck to his collar bone----but he doesn't pay attention to it much as soon as Kageyama did one more round reaching his extremity followed by Shouyou.

Trying to catch their breath, Hinata moves away and collapses in a matter of seconds. Luckily the room was unoccupied by their fellow classmates or else people would have been fighting for a chance to screw the Omega.

-------------Moments later...

"God, you're really heavy.." Kageyama complains after he carried Shouyou back to their room and into the comfort of his futon. Later putting the cap back on the bottle of water he had used to make Hinata swallow his medicine, "This should suppress it for a while..." His mind trails back to the newspaper article back in the train, a sentence that caught his eye: '...that is how the Sun fell in love with the Moon...'

Yeah right.....as if Hinata would fall for that guy...


"Yes...Yes...I understand...Yes, please...Thank you." Tsukishima put down the phone and sighed. "There's not much time left...."







**For those who didn't get the sun and moon part:

because Yachi said so ( xD), he gets the Sun nicknameee (yaaaaaayyyy) (lol)

in tsukishima's name, there is TSUKI which in japanese is moon

 that is all OwO)/

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