When Things Stop

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Right after the four came to Mountain View, California, Shouyou Hinata was immediately hospitalized and kept in a special facility. As for the others: Yamaguchi hurriedly returns back home when a phone call tells him he is required at a meeting; Tsukishima is in the office with a doctor, if both of them weren't speaking in english, Kageyama would have talked with them; speaking of Kageyama....he's sitting in the waiting room, hands joined against his lips and is waiting patiently.

Hours flew by and he was almost falling asleep. He puts a hand in his pocket, searching for spare change, luckily, there was. He sluggishly stands up and walks to the vending machine near him, inserts the coins, and gets the cup of hot coffee. He sighs thereafter, thinking about a lot of things, like what would happen to Hinata from there on. What can I do?, he asks himself. The sun setting in the distance caught Kageyama's eye, he continues to stare at the clear windows, hoping an answer would come up. But there was nothing.

Suddenly, someone walks out of the room Hinata was submitted in. "Mr. Tobio, Mr. Shouyou is calling for you." The nurse says as she closes the door behind her and jogs towards the elevator. Kageyama didn't understand but he was sure of what the woman might have said. He takes in a deep breath and exhales, he held the doorknob so hard he thought it was already broken even though it's not. He breathes again and finally goes in. 

"Hi..." The person in white robes greeted. He looked so peaceful as he smiled in the white room. Along with sorrow, which also filled Kageyama's heart so much, he couldn't greet him back. "Come on, stupid Kageyama," he laughs, trying to lighten the mood, "You can't wear that sorta face here..."

Kageyama stood still and quiet at the door. He could feel the lump in his throat building up as soon as he realized, This is the place where lots of people die....but, Shouyou's not going to die just because of that...right...? He slowly makes his way, shuffling to his lover's side and hums a response.

"When...when we go back home, let's have some of that ice cream, okay?" Shouyou says. "You're gonna have to buy me lots and lots of meat buns too!!!"

Somehow, the fake wide smiles he was wearing, overshadowed the agony he was trying his best to hide. He was...trying...trying to show me there's nothing to be sad about. I don't want his efforts to go nowhere...so..."Right. So hurry up and kick that sickness' ass, you hear me?!"

"Hahahaha! Right!!" Hinata laughed.

"A-and we'll see Karasuno! We'll visit the school...heck we'll even go to everyone's place!!!" Kageyama would continue to tell him what he surely wanted to hear. "A-and..."

"Kageyama.." Hinata's voice dropped.

"A-and...." Think. Think.

"Kageyama.." He called again.

"No, let me, let me think m—-" Please don't..

"They'll start in a few minutes..." Hinata says, again with the bitter smile. After that it was silent, none of them were flinching. "I'm sorry..."

I don't want you to apologize.

"I'm sorry because I knew that this'd worsen in time, I just didn't want to face it."

Don't apologize.

"I'm sorry I pushed myself to be with you. I'm sorry because now you've come to love me...I'm sorry I selfishly still fell in love with you even though I knew I can't stay—-"

"The hell are you saying dumbass?! Just shut your trap, will you?!"

"Luckily...we're not destined for each other..."

"Shut up!!!"

"...That way you'll still get to be with someone, your fated partner..."

"He's not and he never will be!!!"

"Haha...I think it's strange how the person I like is supposed to be with the person who I thought liked you but all along, it was me he loved...I'm as dense as I can be, aren't I? I remember myself taking almost I don't know, two or three years before realizing I had feelings for you and you did for me...But none of it matters anymore..."

"DON'T TALK LIKE THAT, HINATA!!! IT'S NOT GOODBYE!!!!" Without knowing it, Kageyama had taken ahold of Hinata's clothes, he was enraged, aggressively denying each and every fact the other had spoken. "WE STILL DON'T KNOW WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN!!!"

"THAT'S EXACTLY WHY, KAGEYAMA!! WE DON'T KNOW!!! We...we don't know..." Hinata's tears went down his small face, one after another, it wasn't showing signs of ever stopping. "...I also...want to be by your side...as long as I can...whatever it takes...." He hicks. "But at this moment...I don't think I can't be there anymore...."

Then people busted inside, slamming the door against the wall. "Sir, please move away!" One of the nurses said, grabbing Kageyama's hands and pushing him outside. "The operation will now start, please go outside!!!"

"What?! You just ca——" The metal doors shut closed. "HINATA!!! HINATA!!!!! PLEASE DON'T......DON'T LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!! I'M TIRED OF IT!! DON'T LET ME BE ALONE ANYMORE!!! HINATA!!!!! HINATA, ANSWER ME!!!!!! TELL ME YOU WON'T!!! Tell me.....tell me you'll stay...Hinata...." 






It was the first time, Tsukishima had seen Kageyama, his sworn enemy and rival, harshly cry and scream until his voice became hoarse and raspy, until his knees gave in and he couldn't stand no more.

The rest of the day he stood by the grieving man, lying on the hard cold tiles, who never ate anything after the incident, whose tears dried up, and whose eyes never regained the vibrant color it once had. 

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