✧ Ꭰꭺɴꮯꭼ Ꮁ̵ꮮꮻꮻꭱ ✧

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Smut next chapter 😀

Bright lights flickered around the club and flashed in Minho's eyes, bringing him out of his daze. The performance had finished five minutes ago and he was still standing in the same place.

Minho shook his head, making his way to the bar and sitting at the very end. It was easier this way because now he'd only have to worry about one person sitting next to him instead of being squeezed in between two.

He called the bartender over, ordering some kind of fruit drink with a little too much alcohol inside. Minho took one sip and sighed at the taste, feeling refreshed already. He turned in his seat and leaning back against the bar, staring out into the dance floor.

Jeongin was dancing with a very drunk Seungmin, and both of them tripping around - Seungmin, because he was drunk...and Jeongin, because he was trying to support the other.

Minho's eyes scanned over the rest, laughing at the obvious trouble everyone was having.


'Chan,' had slipped into the seat next to him. He faced outwards, the same as Minho and rested his arm behind him, slightly touching his back.

"Hi?" Minho subconsciously leant away from his touch a little, barely noticeable but Chan was observant. He didn't say anything though - saving Minho from discomfort.

"I'm Chan, I was performing ea-"

"Yeah, I know who you are."

Chan's lips pursed, a little surprised by the interruption. He did see the male come in with Felix so he assumed he had just told him before they came.

"Are you gonna tell me your name or do I have to do a lot of deep searching to find it?" He turned to Minho, head tilted in a way that the younger felt cute with a smirk that screamed the opposite.

Minho crossed a leg on top of the other, bringing his glass up to his lips to hide his amused smile. It was funny how interested Chan was when it should really be the opposite. "What are you? Some kind of stalker?" 

He kept his eyes on the drunk couple in front of him but felt Chan staring hard into his face. Deciding to answer him after almost five minutes passed.

"Minho. It's Minho...hasn't your mother taught you that it's rude to stare?" Minho finally looked over to Chan, raising an eyebrow at the fact that he was still looking. 

The older took that chance to fully examine his visual, feeling absolutely more intrigued. Maybe Minho was a little flustered but he wouldn't let that show, at least not yet.

"Yeah...but she did also tell me not to lose sight of my dreams."

He snorted, hiding his chuckle by taking another sip from his glass. "Cheesy."

Chan shrugged in response, happy that he was able to get some kind of laugh from the pretty male. "Maybe, but it worked." 

He moved closer now that the other didn't really care. Chan was close enough to smell the fragrance Minho had applied a few hours ago. He smelled incredibly sweet, an addicting kind that he could get used to. 

Chan stared at his lips for a second, the gloss on top of them adding the extra detail to Minho's beauty.  

"Let me get you another drink."

"As long as you're buying."

·゜-: ✧ :- ❃ -: ✧ :-゜·

They were entirely flat out drunk.

The both of them having shot after shot after shot after sh- you get it.

"A-And then...he fell into the pool with the cake!" Minho's sentence broke off in giggles, falling over into Chan's lap. They were exchanging stupid stories, some made up but all just because they were a little too far gone.


Chan practically had to help Minho up and out of his seat and to a space on the floor. The bass drummed in his ears, he couldn't hear anything but somehow could hear Chan clearly.

The older held him tightly by the hips, both of them extremely close. "You're sexy, I don't know if I've told you that yet." Minho threw his arms around Chan's neck, pulling him in closer.

"Who cares if you did? I like hearing it."

Dancing was one thing but the way Minho did it was a lot for Chan. He moved his body so easily against his own that it was pretty much effortless. "Fuck baby." Minho's back was pressed against Chan's front, the older occasionally dropping his head and holding onto his waist tighter.

Minho could feel Chan's breath hit the back of his neck every time he moved his hips a certain way. So with that in mind...he did it again and a few times after that.

"You're s-something else."

He turned in Chan's hold, hands coming up to rest on his face, pulling Chan forward a little to whisper close to his ear. "Wanna come to mine?"

That was a dumb question. Of course Chan would. He'd be dumb to decline. 

Minho led Chan by the hand out of the club and into a cab, leading him home to what he hoped would not be a one time thing.


My next door neighbor is blasting Christmas songs and I'm kinda just vibing in my room lol 

[880 Words] 

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