✧ Ꮮꮻꮪꭲ Ꮯꭺꮜꮪꭼ ✧

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Changbin quickly walked up the stairs, coming to a stop in front of Chan's door. He knocked but he didn't know why he was expecting the other to answer. 

Of course he wasn't going to

"Chan. Open the door." 

He heard movement on the other side but still the door remained closed. "Chan!" Changbin knocked harder on the door this time, hearing an annoyed 'tsk'


Chan opened the door roughly, eyeing Changbin down once his vision settled on him. He had a joint in between his lips, the tip of it burning red whenever he'd inhale.

Changbin crossed his arms, not fazed by the harsh glare being given to him. "Don't raise your voice at me." He took a good look at the other, feeling nothing but sympathy for Chan - he didn't look so good. Consoling him the first thing on his mind.

"Leave me alone, Changbin. I don't need your pity."

Chan's eyes were red and a little puffy, whether that was from him smoking or perhaps crying, Changbin would never know. His voice sounded drained, no effort and just tired.

"Don't be an idiot and push me away right now."

He didn't answer. Chan continued to inhale and exhale smoke without much of a care that he was blowing it right into the younger's face.

"Chan! I'm talking to you!"

The older tilted his head, inhaling deeply before blowing it out directly into Changbin's face once again.

At this point Changbin was over it.

He plucked the joint straight from Chan's lips, pushing past him and bumping their shoulders together roughly by mistake.

He took the joint and jammed it into his ashtray, Changbin made sure the amber was fully put out before turning back to Chan triumphantly, hands on his hips.

Chan scoffed, shaking his head as he moved to sit down on the edge of his bed. "You're paying for that." He dropped himself back against the mattress, sighing the moment his back hit the bed.

"I'm just trying to help." Changbin grabbed onto a desk chair in the corner and dragged it over to the bed, taking a seat and looking at the older. "Just tell me what happened."

Chan stood up at the ceiling for a few more seconds before sitting up right, resting his arms on his legs and putting all his weight on them.

"He told me he loved me."

Changbin leant back in his chair, crossing his arms together as he waited for Chan to continue. He spoke when he figured the other wouldn't continue on his own. "So?" He shrugged even though he wasn't exactly fond of what he had just heard.

"What's the problem?"

Chan's eyes darted up to the male sitting in front of him and then back down to his hands. That was a good question, what was the problem? The big deal from this? Chan took a minute to try and collect his thoughts, pushing down all of his jumbled up feelings to come up with an answer.

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