✧ Ꮁ̵ꮖꭱꮪꭲ & Ꮮꭺꮪꭲ ✧

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Kinda small chapter because the next one is a little longer+ includes smut 

Minho figured Chan would try to overcompensate with everything they've been through and make their first date over the top but to Minho's surprise, he didn't. Which was definitely for the better in his opinion.

Chan planned something simple, spend the day together inside so it was easier to talk and connect, get to know each other again. He planned to order-out, watch a couple of movies and possibly give Minho another guitar lesson.

Either way, Minho was excited. He got even more excited when he heard the front door bell going off continuously and immediately knew who it was.

When he opened the door a bouquet of flowers was shoved in his face and because it was quite large, Minho couldn't see Chan behind it. "You're a dork." The small gesture alone had his heart thumping.

"Delivery for the cutest guy I know~" Chan said it in a high pitched tone, earning a small laugh in return.

"Felix isn't home." Minho leant back a little so the pollen in the flowers wouldn't make him sneeze. He heard a sigh come from Chan before he dropped his hands to reveal his face.

"Oh...damn well-" Chan scratched his head, feigning annoyance to keep up with his little act. "Can you give these to him when he gets back?"

Minho scoffed, rolling his eyes and snatching the bouquet from Chan with a small smile on his face. "You're incredibly annoying, I hope you know that." 

He left the door open as he stepped into the kitchen to take one of Felix's vases out from the cabinet. Minho didn't receive flowers much, or at all, that would prompt him to actually buy his own vase.

Chan had this adorable smile on his face, waking into the house and setting down his things before following Minho inside. "I'll reiterate then..." He walked behind the male and wrapped his arms around his waist, resting his chin on his shoulder. "For the sexiest guy I know." Chan pressed a kiss to his temple, pouting when he pulled away.

"That's more like it!" 

Minho left a quick slap to his ass before scurrying off the living room and throwing himself onto the couch. He waited until Chan sat to throw his legs over his lap. "So what'd you want to talk about?"

Chan leant back against the couch, pulling Minho in closer against his chest. "Doesn't matter to me." He had an arm over the younger's shoulder to hold him close, his free hand resting on his knees, thumb gliding over the material of his pants.

"Oh, so I could talk about those naked cats and how they're the prett-

"Mmm...anything but that maybe."

Minho pouted but knew that was coming regardless. "Alright...how about us then?" He tried to move and sit in a way where he could see Chan better but was being held down tightly. He pinched his arm, finally getting some wiggle room.

"I like that idea." Chan played with the dangling bracelet on Minho's arm. "Specifically, let's talk about what we both want out of this new relationship." He gave himself a while to think so Minho decided to go first. 

"No more lies." Minho said it as firmly as he could, reaching up to grab Chan's collar and pull him downwards. "I'm tired of being lied to, Channie. I'm serious.. enough is enough." He held eye contact with him, refusing to waver.

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