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[Payphone- Marron 5] basically sums up Changlix in one song 

Also the next chapter most likely will be a Changlix one as well 

If "happy ever after" did exist...I would still be holding you like this

"I really wasn't expecting this."

Hyunjin and Jeongin were sitting across from Felix at his favorite bakery. They figured it would just be a regular hangout kind of thing but instead was thrown for a loop with what Felix had just told him.

It saddened them really to see such a happy and enthusiastic guy like Felix be so down. Truthfully, they've never actually witnessed this side of Felix and it was pretty heartbreaking.

"Wait so-" Hyunjin paused in his seat, head going into overdrive as he tried to picture what exactly had happened. "Changbin was the one that kissed-?" Felix nodded his head solemnly as a reply.

Well that definitely ruined everything.

Not only did that kiss ruin their relationship of how many years...Hyunjin couldn't remember but...it may or may not have put a strain on Minho and Chan.

As horrible as the male's situation was, all Hyunjin could think about was how Chan felt about all this. He wasn't there so he didn't know exactly how it went but...was Chan into it? Did he possibly like it- secretly?

Jeongin poked around at the piece of cake he had ordered earlier, not really in the mood to finish the sweet treat. "You're not wearing your ring." He was observant, of course he'd notice. Felix wore that ring everywhere... "Did you guys argue after...you know?" Jeongin didn't want to keep saying the word kiss.

Felix chewed on the corner of his lip, rubbing the finger where his ring used to be, already missing the small weight that it had. "Well, I don't know if you can call me screaming and crying while he kind of just stood there an 'argument'...but yeah." He laughed it off but Jeongin could see the way his lip quivered.

They were such a good couple, what would make Changbin ruin that?

"Did he explain anything to you?" 

Jeongin watched him shake his head again. An explanation, a well needed talk was what they both had to have. If not for the sake of their relationship then just for Felix, he deserved to know.

The way he saw it, Changbin couldn't go a day without Felix. He loved him...or at least Jeongin thought he did. He would have never guessed that this would be the reason why they'd break up.

"What an asshole... I can't believe he'd even do something like that with you sleeping in the other room." 

Hyunjin scoffed, aggressively biting into the muffin he had in front of him. "Who knows what he could've been doing behind your back- and then! To do that when Chan and Minho obviously have something going o-"

Felix's head had tilted downwards as he talked, his shoulders slightly shaking.

"Lix?" Jeongin hurriedly stood from his seat, slapping Hyunjin's shoulder before sliding into the booth next to Felix. "Felix- don't cry." Jeongin placed an arm around him and pulled the boy into a hug.

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