✧ Nꮻ Ꮯꮻɴɴꭼꮯꭲꮖꮻɴ, Ꭰꮖꮪꮯꮻɴɴꭼꮯꭲꭼꭰ Ꮲꮋꮻɴꭼ Ꮯꭺꮮꮮꮪ ✧

695 37 18


My coach is gonna be pisseddddd when I get my belly pierced- Oh well! No more sparring for meeeee!!!

⚠️⚠️⚠️ [ TW// light descriptions of blood]


Chan stepped through the threshold, closing the front door behind him.

He had to go home to stock up and change before starting his routes and of course that meant talking to Changbin. He didn't feel like avoiding him any longer by staying at Minho's, he had to go home at some point anyway.


Changbin was seated outside on their small balcony, a dark green smoothie in his hands and a bunch of papers scattered over a table. His smile was small but sincere, happy to see Chan after such a short while.

The older pulled the other chair out and took a seat across from him, eyes darting over a few papers that he could read. "You're working again." Not a question but a small observation.

Changbin had taken a break from his job as a social worker considering how incredibly stressful it was. He loved helping the children but eventually it took its toll on him.

"Yeah, I just- needed something to keep my mind busy. I'm just doing files and paperwork until I'm really ready." Changbin took a sip of his smoothie, face scrunching up in distaste. It was a new recipe for after workouts but it wasn't so good.

"Oh." Chan nodded his head, fingers tapping at his knee. He looked out into the city, blowing air out from between his lips.


Well this was awkward, and Chan hated awkward.

"...I'm sorry." Changbin swallowed thickly, trying to push down that feeling of sickness that was crawling up his throat. "That uh- kiss wasn't- it wasn't my best moment and I regret it so much." He lifted his head to look at Chan to gather how he was taking this but was met with a blank face.

Changbin didn't really know what he was thinking, probably too high on the adrenaline of it all. He didn't know what he would've done if Chan was into it and he didn't think far enough for rejection either. Truly a sad case.

"Look." Chan sighed, dragging a hand over his face before facing the other. "I'm over it and I'm sure you're over reliving this whole thing...Especially with Felix." He paused, giving Changbin a sympathetic look before speaking again, "and all that so...let's just forget what happened and move the fuck on."

He said it but Chan wouldn't forget. There would forever be a lingering tension between them due to the fact that he'd never be able to let this go. Chan would be more careful around him, never too close or clingy again.

Not because he was uncomfortable but for Changbin's sake. Chan didn't want to lead him on or give him false hope just in case he still had any feelings for him.

"Okay, okay." Changbin nodded his head in agreement, happy to have gotten this over without an argument or any tears.

"Good. I still need my best friend with me."

He stood with the intention to rush upstairs and shower but instead turned to quickly engulf Changbin in a light hug.

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