✧ Ꮪꮋꮻꮜꮮꭰ'ꮩꭼ, Ꮯꮻꮜꮮꭰ'ꮩꭼ, Ꮃꮻꮜꮮꭰ'ꮩꭼ ✧

647 36 24


Why is college merch from the school itself so expensive? Why is one sweater like $87 ?? WHY DO I HAVE TO PAY SO MUCH TO SHOW MY SCHOOL SPIRIT ??

Minho was pissed but not exactly.

He had been calling and texting Chan nonstop for about two hours now. He was bored by himself, especially since Felix had left to have a sleepover with Jeongin and his annoying boyfriend.

All he wanted was some attention. Minho obviously knew that Chan was busy, the older would always tell him that he didn't really have the time to be on his phone but that didn't mean he couldn't send just an emoji at least.

Maybe a movie would be a good enough distraction.

It played for an hour and when it finished, Minho played another, barely registering the plot that was happening. Eventually his attention was set on a random racing game he had downloaded to try and get the ad off his screen one day.

It was going pretty good, Minho was just about to cross the finish line when his phone paused for a phone call. "Are you kidding me?!"

He groaned, ready to curse the person out on the other line but softened once he heard who it was.


"Hey Sungie, what's up?" Minho flopped back against his bed, hand sprayed out around the mattress.

"Are you in your room?"

Minho's eyebrow cocked, an amused smile on his lips. "What kind of foreplay is this?" A playful teasing tone to his voice, "You want me to tell you what I'm wearing too, Sungie?" 

He laughed but Jisung didn't laugh with him, staying alarmingly quiet which quickly let Minho know that he wasn't in the joking mood.

"...Yes, I'm in my room."

He heard a bunch of frantic steps on the other line. "Ji? You alright there, buddy?" Jisung was breathing a bit heavily than normal, small sniffles and inhales of breath as if he was trying to hold it in. "Jisung?"

"Turn on the TV and switch it to the news."

Minho's eyes scrunched, not wanting to move because of how comfortable he was but willing his body to roll out of bed to grab the remote. "Okay?"

He didn't watch TV and honestly there was no reason for him to really have it in his room. The one in the living room was good enough. As soon as the news channel was selected, the news reporter was speaking loudly into her mic, so loud that Minho had to lower the volume.

"Twenty- five year old man, identified as 'Bang Chan' was found unconscious behind Sweet & Spicy strip club late last night... It has been confirmed that he was stab-"

The remote clattered to the floor, the power button being pressed in the process. Minho's head tilted, maybe he didn't hear that correctly, they hadn't even put up a picture so that could've been anybody.

It was said with the intention of temporarily lying to his heart to try and calm himself down but it wasn't working. Minho heard the name correctly, he knew what Chan was doing so it all added up.


"I know, I know." He winced at the sound of Minho's voice, mentally preparing himself for when he got into the car later. The image of him alone had tears brewing in his eyes.

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