Stealing A Farmer's Heart Part 11

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Three weeks had passed, one month total since Farmer found Brynn on the side of the road. Life with Brynn was a dream and their rapidly moving relationship seemed to blossom more and more as each day passed. Farmer found herself falling more and more for Brynn, and didn't doubt that Brynn felt the same way for her. Brynn made weekly visits into town to see her doctor, but Farmer had been informed that those visits would eventually lessen as Brynn grew healthier while still taking the Lithium. The sex between them only improved over time, and Farmer even got up the nerve to check out strap-ons online, with Brynn's support of course. It was actually Farmer's idea to get one. She felt it deep in her soul that a strap-on would become like a second skin to her and would feel more natural making love. Farmer always was a farmgirl, but as she aged, she embraced her natural masculinity. A faux cock would only help.

Living together never once hindered on their budding, romantic relationship. In fact, Farmer was certain it only heightened their feelings for each other. Even so, Brynn still kept a separate bedroom for herself, but more often times than not, Farmer found herself with a bedmate. If Farmer had it her way, she would permanently move Brynn into her room, but she also understood that Brynn wasn't ready to reveal all of herself to Farmer just yet, and Farmer respected that.

Over the last month, any news of Brynn's boyfriend never reached their neck of the woods. Farmer hadn't seen any more sightings of the mysterious man in the car, either, and she decided against telling Brynn about any of it. Brynn, however, always kept a leery eye and ear open for any signs of him, which Farmer understood. She, too, would be paranoid after having lived a life the way Brynn had lived. She had told Farmer that John could be dangerous and had a hair trigger temper. Farmer took her words seriously and made sure her shotguns were cleaned and loaded just in case he decided to make an appearance to try and take Brynn away from her. Farmer was anything but violent, but having Brynn in her life and heart, she wouldn't hesitate to fight for her.

Farmer stepped out of the shower after performing her morning duties around the farm. With a towel wrapped around her waist, she ran her fingers through her wet, short locks standing in front of the bathroom mirror.

"Oh, Farmer," Brynn called out from downstairs in a sing-song voice.

Farmer smiled and stepped out into the hallway and walked to the top of the stairs. "Yes?" She couldn't help smiling back at Brynn who was eyeing her bare chest. She pointed to her own eyes and said, "My eyes are up here, sweetheart."

"I know, but when you're standing there in just a towel, wet, it's hard to behave." Brynn slowly walked up the stairs and met Farmer at the top for a kiss. "Something came in the mail for you." She presented Farmer with a box.

Farmer immediately knew what was in the box. The sly smile on Brynn's face told her she knew too. "Wanna test it out?"

Brynn nodded then placed a palm between Farmer's breasts. "We'll have to use a condom since it hasn't been sanitized yet."

"We can wait."

"No!" Brynn pushed on Farmer to get her to move toward her bedroom. "Strap up, big guy." She yanked Farmer's towel off.

"Hey!" Farmer covered her bare bottom and laughed.

"Suddenly shy?" Brynn teased before she slapped Farmer on the ass.

"Keep it up and I'll show you just how strong I am."

"I pray that's a promise," Brynn seductively said as she stripped off her own clothes.

Farmer was momentarily distracted by the naked woman stretched out on her big, king bed. Her heart thudded when she finally got a look at the strap-on with its thick cock. She had options as to what size she wanted. She thought six inches was too small and eight inches was way too big. The seven inches was perfect. She lifted it out and up then inspected it. She looked down at Brynn, who was eyeing it like a delectable treat, and smirked at her. "What do you think?"

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