Normal, Sorta.

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Carmen Ortega was born with unusual powers, something over time she's gotten used too, even learned to love. She was abandoned my her so called parents at the mere age of 3 and taken into a lab. All her life she's been experimented on, People tried to use her powers, Take her powers, But none of that ever worked. They couldn't even find out why or where these powers came from. At the age of 10 she escaped. Shes been alone in the world ever since, learning how to provide for herself and protect herself. Now she's 27 years old and living in New York. (Yes Ik that's not where umbrella academy is based of off) She works at a small coffee shop, living her life as any other normal person would...well expect for the whole powers part.

Ringing fills my ears before I press the off button on my alarm. I groan and force myself out of my comfy bed then tiredly walk over to my closet, I slip on black jeans, A black t shirt, And my black combat boots. I look around my closet to find my apron but it wasn't in there. "Where the hell did I put the damn thing" I mutter. I walk out into my living room and see it sitting on my couch. I slightly move my fingers making the light pink apron float in the air and follow me into my bathroom. It goes over my head to rest on my neck then the strings tie behind my back. I grab a hair tie and put my thick brown hair into a bun. Then walk into my kitchen and slightly move my fingers again causing the fridge to open and milk float out, A bowl come down from the cupboard, and the box of serial float off of the top of my fridge. A nice bowl of my favorite serial is made so I sit down and quickly eat some while everything puts itself away. I get back up and drive to work.


"Hi what can I get you?" I say looking down to a black haired boy slightly shorter then me in some sort of uniform.

"Coffee. Black."

I look at him with my eyebrows slightly furrowed.

"Is that a problem?"

"Nope. Not at all. Black coffee coming right up."

I hand him his coffee and he takes a sip. Then raises his eyebrows. "Hm. Not bad. This Columbian?"

"It's our own blend" I say back.

"Thanks." He says then walks out.

I slightly chuckle. "What's so funny?" I here my coworker Emma say.

"Nothin, just I don't think I've ever met a kid who actually enjoys black coffee. I mean he couldn't have been older then 15."

"He really ordered a black coffee?" She says laughing.

"Yea. Weird right?"

••2 days later••

I'm driving to work when I see quite a familiar face next to me. I do a quick double take when I see that same kid from the coffee shop...driving. He glances at me, Smiles then looks away and drives off. "What. The. Fuck." I say under my breathe.

••The next day••

My stupid car decided to break down so I had to drive the bus instead to work. Im listening to music while quietly humming. And once again I see him. He is standing on the sidewalk and we make eye contact as the bus drives away. Why the hell do I keep seeing him.

••Later that day••

Im at the grocery store picking some things out. When something catches my eye. I feel I'm being stared at. I look across the store and believe it or not I see him. AGAIN. "Alright what the hell" I leave my cart walk over to him and he quickly turns away so I speed up and grab his shoulder to turn him around. "What the hell kid?!"

"I'm sorry do I know you?"

"Oh don't play dumb. Have you been watching me or something"

"Sorry about this." He puts his hand on my shoulder and I feel my whole body feel as if it's spinning and floating. I squint my eyes to see that I'm not longer in the store I'm in an ally.

Carmen OrtegaWhere stories live. Discover now