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"I need to go talk to Luther. I'll be down in a second" he says while we stand at the stairs.

"Ok. I'll be outside."

I walk outside and wait for about five minutes until Diego walks out....and Luther. Seriously?

"He's coming with us."

"Horray!" I say sarcastically.

"Hey, Carmen." He says.

"Yes hulk?"

"Look I'm sorry if I came of rude when I first met you."

"Mmm. Yea you definitely did."

"Well I'm sorry...anyways I just wanted to say thank you...for last night. You didn't let that chandelier drop on me. I appreciate it."

"....don't mention it. But maybe stop being suck an ass yea?"

"Alright yea...sorry"

We all get into the car and I drive around looking for klaus who honestly may just be wandering the streets.

"Wait. Pull over." Luther says. I pull over and they get out of the car so I follow them.

"This is fives van." Luther says. "This is where he last was."

"I get finding five is really important too but shouldn't we make klaus a priority! He could seriously be hurt!" I say. 

"He will be fine" Luther says and I roll my eyes.

Luther pulls the handle trying to open the car door and Diego looks at him as if he was and idiot. He quickly picks the lock then opens the door. I smile at Diego then he winks. They both shove each other trying to get into the car and I use my powers to push them both away.

"Can we be grownups? Please?" I say.

"Go" Luther says to Diego then Diego gets in the car and looks around for anything that could give us clues to where he was.

"Anything?" I ask.

"No". He hops out of the van.

"Why don't we look in there?" I say pointing to a large building. "I mean his car is parked here so who knows."

"Your right." We walk into the building that happened to be a public library. "Me and Carmen will go this way. You go that way." We walk right and search for what at least had to be a few hours until we get to the top floor. And met up with Luther again. "Anything?" Luther says.

"No" I sigh then we sit in silence for a few seconds.

"You wanna know why I left the academy?" Diego says looking at Luther.

"Because you couldn't handle me being number one."

I roll my eyes at his arrogance.

"No. Because that's what you do when your 17, you move out. Become your own person. Grow up."

Luther scoffs. "Oh yea. Your real grown up."

"At least I make my own've never had to hold down a bills. You ever even been witha girl?" No way he hasn't. I hold in my smile not wanting to be mean.

"I-I...." Diego chuckles.

"I don't know what your talking about."

"Look you wanna blame me, blame us for leaving...that's ok. But maybe your askin yourself the wrong question. Maybe it's not about why we left. Maybe it's about why you stayed."

"I stayed because the world needed me" Luther says with gritted teeth walking closer to Diego.

"You stayed because you couldn't let go of the way things used to be...the academy. Dad. With Allison." I knew him and Allison had a thing. Its kinda gross to think about I mean there practically siblings...

Carmen OrtegaWhere stories live. Discover now