Restarted the day.

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We get back to the house and I sit down on the stairs. The world is going to fucking end and ill be here to see it. There was a big possiblity everyone is going to die and there's nothing I can do about it. I was just living a normal life. I was happy. And now I have to deal with knowing that in who knows how soon the fucking world is ending. I sigh and rub my forehead. Well. I might as well live the rest of my life to the fullest. I walk up the stairs and find Klaus sitting in his room. I sit next to him and put my head on his shoulder. "So...You fell in love?"

"Yea...I did."

"Tell me about him, Dave right?." Klaus takes a deep breath.

"Yea...He was amazing. He cared for others more then himself. He was loyal...And vulnerable and so sweet. He accepted everyone despite there past. He accepted me. And...and he loved me" He says starting to cry. I wrap my arms around him.

"Im so sorry" I hold his face in my hands and wipe his tears.

"He sounds amazing"

"...He was. And I couldn't save him." He says then pulls out a pill.


"Carmen I need this. Ok? I need this right now and I wish I didn't but I do. I know you dont get it but this is all I can do to not make me feel like shit ok?" I sigh and he swallows it.

Luther walks in. "We need to talk. All of us. So meet us in the living room....Like now ish."

"Yea that sounds like a real racer but my schedules full" Klaus says

"No time for that the world is ending in three days."

"Three days?!" I say.

"Downstairs now"


"Three days?" Allison says.

"The old bastard did mention the apocalypse" Klaus says.

"Not this soon" I say.

"But can we trust him...I mean I dont know if you noticed but fives a little crazy"

"He was pretty convincing"Luther says. "If he wasn't trying to stop an apocalypse those lunatics wouldn't be chasing him"

"So that's why they where after him?" Allison says.

"They want Carmen too. They think she can stop it so they want to stop her first"

"Which by the way I have no clue how I would!" I say.

"What did five even see?" I ask Luther.

"....So here's the plan" Luther says getting up and dodging the question.

"Woah woah" "Wait a tic" "Uh uh" Everyone says stopping him from avoiding the question.

"What actually happened the first time around?" Klaus asks him.

"What are you not telling us" Diego says. "Come on big boy. Spit it out."

"......We all died." He mumbles.

"What was that?" I say

"I uh said we died"

We all sit in complete shock and I get up. "I um- I need a drink."

"Drinks all around please!" Klaus shouts and I go to the mini bar and hand everyone drinks. Accept Luther of course who thinks its not appropriate. I drink mine really fast and everyone stares at me.


"Hey" I look and see Vanya standing there and I smile at her. Then some random dude walks in.

Carmen OrtegaWhere stories live. Discover now