Ice cream truck.

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"WAKE UP!" Diego and I both jump to the sound of klaus yelling.

"Dude what the hell!" Diego yells and I go under the blanket because of the bright sun shining through the window.

"You said 5! It's 5 now let's roll!...speaking of roll where's my blunt?" He says looking around.

I get out from underneath the blanket then off of the bed and Diego's eyes widen then he slightly smiles.

"What?" I say.

"Your hair" he says slightly laughing and I feel my hair and realize since I slept with it down my curls  got all poofy.

"I like it."

"Oh really? You like me looking like a lion?"

"Yea. It's cute."

I smile then quickly turn to the bathroom before I could blush. I hated blushing, being flustered. But he  kinda made me that way.

I put my long poofy hair into a middle part and make a low bun. Wasn't the cutest but it'll work.

I take off my grey hoodie that I've been wearing for too long. Now I'm just left in my black jeans and my black tank top. A small grin forms in the corner of my lips then I walk out of the bathroom and open Diego's duffel bag. I pull out his black sweatshirt and pull it over my head. Diego stares at me and I look back at him.

"It's cold." I say and Klaus snickers.

"We should get going."


We all get back into the ice cream truck and we start driving again. I couldn't get Diego out of my head. I don't want to push him but what where we. Was it just meaningless flirting, Well and also cuddling, And kissing. I think I really like him. But I don't know if he feels the same. I shouldn't risk asking with him, I'm just going to end up hurting myself.

We where on a super empty road there was barely nothing around us.

"This goddamn music is going to drive me crazy" Diego says. I giggle. The ice cream truck music was really starting to get annoying.

A few seconds pass when I see people ahead of us. Very, very familiar looking people.

"Holy shit."


"Look" I say pointing at five, Luther, Hazel, and Cha Cha.

Diego smiles. "Told you. We'd find then one way or another."

Now all four of them are looking at the car and Diego continues to drive slow. As soon as we get closer to them he starts to sped up.

"Hold on!" He yells at klaus and I. I grab the dash board and klaus holds on to the back of my seat. He sticks his head out of the window and we both wave and smile at five and Luther. Diego slams the gas and Hazel and Cha Cha start to shoot. Diego hits both of them and they fly up about to hit the grass. Suddenly things feel like they are getting slow. I feel my stomach start to turn. I look at Diego who isn't moving. I look up at Hazel and cha cha who are stopped in mid air.

"What the hell." I mutter.

I get out of the car and see five walking.

"What the hell is going on?" I say then walk towards him.

"Why is everyone frozen?"

"Neat trick isn't it?" I hear an unfamiliar voice say.

I turn to see a woman in all black. Blonde hair, red lipstick.

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