Black Hearted: Chapter 10

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The ambulance must have blown some land speed record, arriving at the hospital in no time. True to Jack's word, a towering black man greeted them at the curb, introducing himself as Dr. Ethan Collins and looking like he'd recently strolled off the golf course, dressed in a teal polo shirt and light grey slacks. Solana released her abuela's hand as they lowered her out of the ambulance and was shocked as the doctor addressed her.

"Solana, is it?" A hand on her back guided her through the wide hospital doors. "I'm Ethan Collins and I'm going to take good care of your grandmother. What can you tell me about her medical history?"

Well, this was different. Any other time they'd ended up in the emergency room, the first question was always did they have insurance. An expression of dismay usually followed this after the nurse at reception learned there was none, and they'd be paying out of pocket. Next there would be forms to fill out and hours to wait before they got near a doctor.

Panic licked at the back of Solana's throat. How were they going to pay for this? She couldn't afford the ambulance ride, never mind whatever this special treatment was about. The hand resting between her shoulder blades moved in a gentle stroke and some of the tension eased despite her trepidation.

Dr. Collins repeated his request. "Solana, anything you can tell me about your grandmother would be very helpful."

"She has onset diabetes, type two and takes pills to manage it."

A young woman glared daggers at Solana and glanced longingly at the doctor as they bypassed the waiting room, following the gurney down a long corridor. "And has she been taking them regularly, as prescribed?"

"I... I don't know. She should, but sometimes she forgets." Lie. Ximena had a mind as sharp as a tack. What she lacked was the funds to buy her medication. Solana transferred money to her every month to help however, there never seemed to be enough. Every time they thought they were ahead, the oven broke or Luc needed new shoes, draining any savings. Solana had a suspicion her abuela was eeking out her medication, taking fewer pills, trying to save money.

A knot eased in her gut as Dr. Collins' dark eyes didn't judge. "I see."

They'd arrived at a T in the hallway. The paramedics went left, yet Dr. Collins opened the door directly across from them. "You can wait in here and I'll be back as soon as there's news." He pointed to the opposite wall covered in white cabinets and a chrome clad machine resting on the counter. "There's coffee, tea etc. Help yourself."

"Wait." Solana hesitated in the doorway; her purse pressed against her chest. This was too easy. He was too... kind. Where was the catch? Why was she not back in the crowded waiting room with the other family members and patients in distress? She wanted to ask how much all this would cost. The questions got stuck in her throat. "Thank you."

His expression softened. "Take a seat. We'll talk soon."

The door closed, and she was alone. In a private waiting room, air conditioning blasting on her bare arms. Solana touched the armchair before her, confirming the light beige material was indeed real leather. No duct tape holding together the collection of overstuffed chairs, no gum covering the plush arms of the two-seater couches. In fact, everything in the room looked barely used.

Beside the chair on a glass table sat an array of magazines from this month, not last year. She picked one up and flipped through. No mustaches etched on to the face of the man selling pain medication, no sexual anatomy parts added to the woman smiling over her new car.

Silence reigned as Solana stood stunned, not sure what to do with herself. They hadn't even asked her to fill out any forms. Her instinct was to run, leave the room and take her rightful place back in the overflowing waiting room down the hall. Instead, she dropped her purse on to the couch by the window and tried to figure out the metal contraption that most likely dispensed coffee. Coffee, she understood. Coffee was normal. Coffee she could control.

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