Black Hearted: Chapter 43

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Solana tried to push the blanket off to cool her fevered skin. It wouldn't move.

Reluctantly, she tore herself from another delicious dream involving Jack and cracked opened an eyelid. Bright sunshine blinded her. Hand raised to block the light, her blanket moaned.

Hot breath fanned against her shoulder. Jet black hair tickled her chin. Jack. In the flesh. That wasn't a dream. An electric pulse zipped down her spine. He curled around her like a vine, one leg between hers, hand gripping her hip, chest pressed against hers.

She attempted to match his slow, steady breathing, but her lungs couldn't relax. Hand in his hair, she gently massaged his scalp. The accompanying nuzzle as Jack tried to burrow closer, his own hand slipping to her bottom and a hard line stretched against her thigh, caused a bubble of laughter to build in her throat. Jack was definitely an ass man, but the key to starting his engine seemed to be a few tugs on his silky strands.

Not wanting to disturb him, she let go of the hair that never seemed to get mussed. A peal of bells from his phone broke the quiet of the early morning. Jack's muscles tensed against her skin, and Solana covered his exposed ear, cursing the device. Eventually, it stopped ringing and Jack relaxed in her arms.

Then the chirps started. Another round of curses and Solana decided enough was enough. Gripping Jack as tight as she could, she rolled him onto his back. His head hit the pillow, his face untroubled and hauntingly handsome in the dawn light. She couldn't resist tracing the edge of his jaw, the sturdy bridge of his nose, the full lips that brought such pleasure, through touch and talk.

His words last night, his honesty stripped her to the bone, and she'd been unable to hide herself, spilling her own secrets. A lump in her throat formed at the thought of what the reality of daylight might mean. Last night had changed her world. But what did it mean for Jack?

She stopped herself from tracing the fine lines around his eyes, curbing the urge to connect with those brilliant blue eyes that never lied to her. Whatever his feelings, she trusted he'd give her the truth. Unlike Cassius and Lincoln, who'd shoveled sweet sentiments to hide their despicable lies, Jack was honest. Even with the hard stuff.

If this was only a casual thing for him, she'd find out soon enough. A knife slid in between her ribs at the image of Jack with another woman. Solana knew she couldn't stand the image of Jack with another woman. She couldn't do casual. Not where Jack was concerned. The knife twisted at the choice she'd have to make when he added her to his roster of hook-ups. Assuming this wasn't a one-night affair.

You're important to me. That's what he'd said in the living room. She closed her eyes and clung to those words. This was bigger than one night. Bigger than anything she'd ever experienced in her lifetime. The tug on her heart asked her to believe Jack was undergoing a similar shift.

She'd felt it in his touch. Yes, there was fire. And holy Hannah, his every thrust had branded her. Yet there was more. Much more. The way he pressed his forehead against hers, crushed him to her, dragged his knuckles against her cheek, teased her nipple with his teeth, stared into her soul as she came undone. In those moments, and a thousand more, there was a link neither of them could deny.

Another peal of bells and Jack jerked. Solana bounced out of bed, diving for his pants. She fished out his phone and hit silence. Blackhorne and Caldwell could do without their fearless leader for a few more hours this Sunday morning. The company would survive.

In the remaining silence, Jack clutched her vacant pillow, exposing a naked butt cheek, and she dithered between climbing back into bed and his warmth or letting him rest. If she got near him again, there'd be no leaving, so she inched away.

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