Black Hearted: Chapter 37

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"What happened?" Jack's jaw stiffened as he scanned the room. A sea of formalwear but no Solana.

"I don't know." Michelle shook her head. "I was complaining about grandpa buying another boat and she... disappeared."

Over by the bar, he spotted a shock of ash blond hair heading for the exit. Not bothering to excuse himself, Jack took off after his fleeing date.

For a woman who abhorred high heels, she could walk remarkably fast in them. Solana wove around the party goers with the grace of a quarterback who hadn't scored in a season and finally had the ball. In a streak of black, she disappeared through the archway leading to the reception area.

Jack squinted as he burst out of the dark ballroom into the bright lights of the hallway, trying to adjust to the sudden change. "Solana. Stop!"

She didn't slow, heading for the carved doors to the main lobby. A server had the misfortune of coming out of an alcove with a tray of champagne glasses and the shock of her bolting toward the door caused him to miss a step. Drinks crashed against the marble floor. Everyone in the room turned to stare at Solana, who halted and offered apologies. With the eyes of the room on her, Solana backed away and covered her mouth before disappearing behind the ornate door.

Jack clenched his teeth as he ignored the distraught server, the whispers spreading through the hall and the shards of glass he jumped over to follow her. On the other side of the door, Solana barrelled toward the hotel's main exit. His long legs were no match for her short stride, and he leapt in front of her. "Where do you think you're going?"

If he expected her to stop, he was sorely wrong. Ire rose in his throat at her insolence. She'd been rude to Michelle and made a scene. The ballroom would be swirling in gossip by now. An explanation was necessary, followed by an apology. To him and his friends.

The hand he'd enjoyed holding all day shoved against his shoulder. "Go back to your rich pals."

Blood burned in his veins as she attempted to desert him. Not happening. She had to stay. Jack caught her wrist before she was out of reach, compelling her to wait. "Tell me what's wrong." The demand reverberated in the deserted foyer.

"Let me go." She struggled against his grip, twisting away. His fingers dug into the soft silk of her dress as he wrapped his arm around her waist, tugging her back against his chest to immobilize her. The heel of one of her shoes jabbed into his shin when he lifted her off the ground. Her heart raced against his chest and the realization hit him; this might be more than insolence. There was a panic in her, causing a spike in his own heartbeat.

"Put me down." Solana's words echoed off the marble walls as she squirmed in his grip, her fists pounding on his forearm.

A stranger on the street stopped and stared at them through the hotel's front window. The need to get Solana out of the spotlight, away from prying eyes, overwhelmed, and he dragged her away from the glass. He had two goals: calm her down and make her tell him what had spooked her. On his left, he spotted the room where they'd left their coats and hauled her into it, slamming the door behind them.

Plunged into darkness, Jack caged her in his arms as he settled her feet back on the floor. A red EXIT sign was the only illumination the room offered, washing Solana's bleached hair in a scarlet glow. Her rigid back felt like an iron rod rammed against his chest and her nails scrapped across his fingers as Solana sought purchase to free herself from his grip. She choked out the words, "Let me go."

Jack wanted to scream no, but instead his lips found her ear, and in the gentlest tone he could muster, he tried to calm her. "Give me ten seconds." Fingers dug at his hands again, trying to pry them off. "If you need to go after, I promise I won't stop you. Ok?"

Her fingers froze and the stiff ends of her hair brushed against his cheek as she nodded. The pain in his jaw lessened, yet she remained unyielding in his arms. His brain scrambled for the right thing to do, how to convince her to stay, what could get her to talk to him. Trying to give himself time to find a solution, he began counting, forehead pressed to the back of her head. "One... Two... Three..."

The words of assurance Mrs. Winston told him when she asked him to count, to use the time to clear the fear swimming within him, spilled out. "I'm right here."

Solana's shoulders rose and fell as she caught her breath. Beneath his grasp, her tense body softened a smidge and her hands gave up their fight, resting on his forearms.

"Four... Five... Six... I won't let anyone hurt you." The pounding of her heart where his chest pressed against her back slackened to a less erratic rhythm.

This was working. A spring inside Jack's chest uncoiled with Solana's relaxing, his own heartbeat matching hers. With the confidence she would not run away settling in, he lessened his grasp on her to a light hold. "Seven... Eight... I've got you."

They breathed in unison. Solana rested her head against his shoulder, the curve of her cheek now illuminated by the dim crimson light. Yet he didn't let go, as she seemed to lean into his hold.

"Nine... I'm on your side."

Solana turned to steel under his touch. Elbows dug into his stomach, and she slipped from his grasp, evaporating into the murky darkness. Desperate fingers grasped only air as he reached for her.

"Ten." Her voice came from far away.

A heaviness pressed on his chest, over his heart with the realization he'd failed. She'd leave him. The notion sliced through him like a red-hot poker, and the pressure inside his chest increased, making it hard to breathe. Of course, this would happen. Of course, she would abandon him. It was inevitable, and he'd been a fool these last weeks, convincing himself she was different. This is what he got for...

For trying.

For letting hope slip in.

The foolish hope Solana was different.

Those hopes drowned in black ooze and he slid along the wall, away from the door, to give her unfettered access to walk away. He had promised he'd let her leave, and he'd honour the oath. Cold metal met his touch, and he twisted the doorknob.

A shaft of yellow light illuminated a sliver of the room as the door opened and Jack had to close his eyes to not see Solana leave. Every cell in his body insisted he make her stay, make her do what he wanted, make her be with him. Yet he couldn't. He'd told her she could leave, and she was free to make her own decision. He had to let her go.

"Don't go out the front. There will be reporters." His voice sounded wrong, like he was talking under water. "Take the elevator to the basement parking. George will meet you there, take you wherever you want to go."

In the silence of the room, the fabric of her dress rustled. Jack jammed his hands behind his back and pressed them into the wall to stop them from reaching for her. As she approached, the scent of her orange spice assaulted him, teasing his senses. The weight on his chest increased, along with a warmth.

A familiar warmth.

Jack opened his eyes and looked down to find a mop of ash blonde hair pressed into the center of his chest. The heaviness in his lungs lifted and the wall he erected to protect himself from her departure crashed. He rested his chin on her short locks and sucked in the sweetness of her staying.

Afraid to move, in case she bolted, he stood there, breathed in and out in unison with her. Solana's fingers landed on his hips, the pressure like an acupuncture point, releasing the bunching muscles in his back.

Out in the foyer, a woman laughed, and someone shushed her, then giggled. Jack winced, but Solana pressed herself into him. He felt and heard her words. "Take me home."

"Of course." Jack kissed the top of her head. "We'll go straight to Ximena's."

Solana's grip tightened. "Can we go to your place?"

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